Sunday, September 19, 2021

The 'Democratic' Party- TREASON CENTRAL !

 Submitted by: Craig Maus

Permission to Forward:


(PAY ATTENTION to the VIDEO above as ALL ‘The Dots ARE Connected)




The Morphology of a Humorous Phrase: “We have met the enemy and he is us” |  Humor in America


America has been, as we Confederates have implored y’all to understand, under Siege (covertly) particularly since the 1960’s when it went into full effect.


America is now, clearly, in the grips of an OVERT & Full-Blown TAKE-OVER by a Marxist Party continuing to hide & disguise itself as the former

Democratic Party which it NO LONGER IS!


The RINO’S within the Republican Party are NOT that far behind as they are, Equally culpable, having played ‘patty-cake’ with

this scum over the same number of decades.


We told y’all of what was coming and now it is staring y’all right in the face.


Look at the picture below.


Protection for ME but NOT for THEE!


This is NO LONGER America’s Capitol.

It is an enclave where the WEALTHY meet to discuss HOW America will receive its Next SCREWING… like the $$$ 3.5 TRILLION DOLLAR BOONDOGGLE

that will allow this Politburo on the Potomac to take MORE of our FREEDOMS from us under the guise of

Fairness, Humanitarianism & ‘Greenery’…

while the likes of the Rich & Famous ‘party’ exempting Themselves from the Laws we are forced to abide by.



Police stage at a security fence ahead of a rally near the U.S. Capitol in Washington.,



It is Our Constitutional Right under the 10th Amendment before it too is likewise taken from us!


Look at what TEXAS was forced to do (above link)- STORM THE BORDER-

because the MARXISTS in WASHINGTON have NO INTENTIONS of so doing because

ALL THOSE ILLEGALS are simply ‘Tomorrows’ DEMONrat voters which, and again,

our Confederate Society said was one of their MANY intentions 30 years ago

that many of you dismissed thinking we were nothing more than….


“Conspiracy Theorists”… and look at what has happened over these 30 years?


Deo Vindice,

Craig Maus,

President, The Confederate Society of America


Betsey Ross sewing the American Flag.


When Once We Knew Who We Were…..


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