Thursday, July 15, 2021



Dear Mike Lindell
Especially in today’s corrupt and convoluted federal court system, I would do everything possible to avoid asking Federal courts for their legal opinion about anything, especially if it puts them in a highly uncomfortable position of having to consider overturning a national election that has already been allowed to happen and stand for more than six months.
By Lex Greene
Are You an “Extremist”?
If we don’t want that done to us, we have to stop it. No more reaching across the aisle: all we ever get for that is a double handful of trash. No more sitting at home on Election Day because The Righteous Candidate never showed up. This is war—against a ruthless enemy who must be utterly defeated.
By Lee Duigon
America Has Been Taken by Force
They forced abortion on us. They forced the removal of the Bible from public schools. They forced the end of prayer in our schools. The forced the acceptance of deviant sexual behaviors upon us. They forced us to pay for the murder of pre-born children. They use the tax system to force compliance with things that violate your faith. They used the fear of jail time to coerce us to violate our conscience.
By Dave Daubenmire
Erasing America’s History Diminishes Our Chances for the Future
Last week, crews removed the iconic statue of Lewis & Clark/Sacagawea in the center of Charlottesville, Virginia. They also removed General Robert E. Lee on his horse. Rioters have toppled statues of Lincoln as a racist, Columbus and even civil rights icons.
By Frosty Wooldridge

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