Monday, April 19, 2021


 Submitted by: Merlin and Robert Hall

Vote Democrat!

Vote Democrat if you think an unborn baby isn’t a really a person and can be aborted up to the minute of birth, and killed afterwards if it survives. You’ll be in good company. The Nazi thought the Jews weren’t really persons, the plantation owners thought the slaves weren’t really persons.

Vote Democrat if you support Planned Parenthood’s successful efforts to keep the black population at 13% by making blacks abort 40% of their pregnancies. White supremacists love that.

Vote Democrat if you think our borders should be abolished so anyone can come here, vote, and get welfare at your expense.

Vote Democrat if you think the Supreme Court, which had had nine supreme court justices since the constitution was adopted in 1788, should be packed with several additional judges who will shred the constitution and your rights at the whim of a president.

Vote Democrat if you think race and identity group membership are all that matter, and that’s how people should be judged, not as individuals.

Vote Democrat if you think China should not be punished for competing with American workers with slave labor and our stolen intellectual property.

Vote Democrat if you are willing to give up your health insurance for “Medicare for all.” And pay higher taxes to do so.

Vote Democrat if you want to see the American military eviscerated to provide money to pay off identity groups.

Vote Democrat if you want to see socialism, which has produced oppression, privation and coercion everywhere it has been tried, given the chance to fail here too.

Vote Democrat if you think you don’t have a right to defend your family.
Vote Democrat if you want to defund the police and go it alone.
Vote Democrat if you think riots, arson, mayhem, destruction, assault, looting and other forms of violence are legitimate social protests.
Vote Democrat if you think black parents shouldn’t have the same right as the liberal elites to put their kids in successful Charter schools.
Vote Democrat if you are willing to pay much higher taxes to support the phony "Green New Deal"

Vote Democrat if you want to eliminate free markets, the only system in history that has raised masses of people from poverty.

Vote Democrat if you want to be ruled by “Do as I say, not as I do” liberal elites.

Vote Democrat if you want California to be a model for the nation, with rolling blackouts, us-sustainable deficits and mismanaged forests.

Vote Democrat because you want to vote your feelings and not your head. 

from Robert A. Hall


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