Saturday, March 27, 2021


 Submitted by: Craig Maus

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'When Guns are Outlawed... Only the Outlaws will have Guns.'

There are those of us who will NOT stand for this Insanity!


The 2nd, as Jimmy Ward said,

 "Is a Stand-Alone Amendment" 

and for the most obvious reason that was ONCE understood by ALL!


I would remind everyone of what the Japanese Commanders said at the 50th Anniversary gathering with their former American Adversaries at Pearl Harbor

when asked this:


" After Pearl as there was NO American Navy standing between Pearl, Your Naval Armada and the West Coast of America... why didn't you continue onward?"...

 to wit the Japanese said:


"And what could we do when we KNEW that behind every rock, sand dune & building would be Millions of Armed Americans that we knew were ALL heavily Armed?"


Strange how a former Enemy could understand the resolve of an 

American Citizenry who at the time knew who they were 

that has since evolved

into the Coddled Snowflakes Washington has made of them whose only solution to anything 'negative' is, hot cocoa & coloring books each & every time the

Real World comes a calling?


Had this been the case in 1941... we would ALL be fluent in Japanese by now!



Deo Vindice!







Liberty in Fidelity, 



Marc Hayes



Marcus R. Hayes, Ph.D. (In 50th year as an educator) 

Lieutenant Colonel
U.S. Army (retired)
731.608.4148  (text/voice)

Gatlinburg, Tennessee

Anti-Nazi German Lutheran Minister . . . executed 10 April 1945

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