Saturday, March 27, 2021

MPN 03/27/2021


Daily Update #88 - Saturday March 27 2021
Great day Patriot,

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times!

Never has that phrase been more true.

But have no fear!

We’re living in God’s house and as we continue to remember that and think and act from that place, we restore the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Be well!
“If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door.”
I hope you get clarity on your purpose and goals this year and beyond as you watch that above video.

Our attitude and mindset is more important than we may realize.
You can begin and continue to direct it toward the aims in life YOU desire!

You are the captain of your ship.

Which way will you allow it to go?

God Bless
Today’s Tip
Tip of the day: Use your imagination! Everything in life starts as a thought. This could be a business idea, a new way to organize something or even the electronic device you’re using to read these words right now!

Not only did that device start as an idea before it showed up in physical reality, but even the idea of the internet itself started as an idea!

(Now here’s a noodle scratcher. Where was the internet before someone imagined it, harnessed it and brought it into physical reality?)

Remember when there was a life without the internet? Some people don’t! Everything begins in the mind.

Choose your thoughts wisely. Choose where you place your attention wisely. You’re sowing seeds of your future with every thought you think.

And you shall reap what you sow.
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