Tuesday, January 12, 2021

VIDEO- "JANET OSSEBAARD & CHARLIE WARD" - The Satanic International Cabal of EVIL! We are in a fight between good & evil

 Submitted by: Craig Maus

Sharing w/All bcc herein Kat w/Permission to Forward: 


It’s ALL coming together! 

And Yes, it IS GOOD vs. evil in real time. 


The Early part of this Video, for any who are not familiar with either 

Mr. Ward or Ms. Ossebaard, may appear  as being 


however, you need to hold ‘fast’ as it is a conversation between two people 

who Ultimately speak about the real events (around the 25 min. mark) that 

HAVE taken place & ARE taking place! 


At the 25 min. mark it gets ‘heavy’. 

The ‘PLAYERS’ involved in the Over-Throw of Our Government are MANY. 

They exist NOT only here on our Shores but Overseas as well. 


Some will PROBABLY find it Difficult to ACCEPT just WHO is involved & may therefore discount the level to which this ALL goes but… 



I will close with this in an attempt that may help those, who may have difficulty in coming to grips with what they heard… 

 the TRUTH that GOD is alerting us ALL to: 


GOD warned us of an Evil that would come in HIS name. 

GOD also told us that HE, Personally, would deal with those directly who would defile 

HIM & HIS flock. 


The BIG GUY as I respectfully call him, ALWAYS made things simple. 

HE never mixed words. 


Connect that Dot with the Infidelity associated with Human Nature (Governments & Evil) and combine it with the  

False Prophet the LORD warned us about  


The REVELATION, sum total if you will, 

is what Y’all are witnessing today! 


For GOD, Family and the Republic of the Original CONFEDERATION (Confederate) 

Of Sovereign & Independent States, 


Craig Maus, 

President, The Confederate Society of America 

Deo Vindice! 

(Connecting the Dots since our inception in 1992) 



From: Kathy Hawkins [mailto:katwoman0852@yahoo.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 12, 2021 9:17 AM
To: Aaa
Subject: "JANET OSSEBAARD & CHARLIE WARD" a must see, yes people are scared and brainwashed! Yes, we are in a fight between good & evil...Kat 




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