Tuesday, November 17, 2020




“We should be unfaithful to ourselves if we should ever lose sight of the danger to our liberties if anything partial or extraneous should infect the purity of our free, fair, virtuous, and independent elections.” —John Adams (1797)

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Fraud Watch: Demos Warned About Software Vulnerability

Democrats were concerned about election software security before they weren't.

Barack Obama's '60 Minutes' of Revisionism

The 44th president took to friendly airwaves to rewrite history and hawk his third autobiography.

Leftist Math: Add 'Hate Crimes,' Divide Country

They're using the FBI's latest "hate crimes" report to blame Donald Trump.

Ending America's Longest War

President Trump plans to draw down troops in Afghanistan to just 2,500 by January.

Now, More Than Ever

As a retired Army General with almost four decades of service to our great nation, both in peace and war, and as a member of The Patriot Post’s National Advisory Committee, let me say this plainly: Now more than ever, our young service men and women need a clear and unequivocal touchstone for American Liberty. They are exposed to the same relentless Leftmedia and social media sludge as their civilian peers, and they desperately need a voice of reason in the wilderness.

There is no better voice for Liberty than The Patriot Post and I ask that you help keep this voice of Liberty loud and clear, especially for our young people in uniform. God and Family, and Duty, Honor, and Country. These are the foundational pillars of our Patriot Post team.

Our mission and operation budgets are funded solely by the voluntary financial support of American Patriots like you. Please consider supporting The Patriot Fund to sustain our fight against the Left’s relentless assault on Liberty and Rule of Law.

Gen. B.B. Bell (USA Ret.)
National Advisory Committee
The Patriot Post

Taking It to China — and Biden

Win or lose, Donald Trump will make it difficult for a Biden administration to go soft on China.

Biden Will Undo Trump's Progress on Illegal Immigration

Joe promises to greatly expand the number of refugees and end the "Remain in Mexico" asylum policy.

Harvard's Racial Doublespeak Affirmed

The First Circuit Court effectively said that some discrimination is okay.

The Deck Will Be Stacked

Republicans face an uphill battle in future elections, but that doesn't mean the task is insurmountable.

Fake News on New York Vaccine Distribution

The media twisted Trump's remarks to suggest he was attempting to get revenge on Governor Cuomo.

Video: Looted Minneapolis Target Reopens as More 'Black-Friendly'

It'll soon burn again.

Video: The Most Ridiculous Children's Book Ever Written

Ben Shapiro delves into Ibram X. Kendi's garbage book, "Antiracist Baby."

Video: The End of Women's Sports

Track and field athlete Selina Soule on the unfair playing field engendered by "transgender" students.

Video: Humor: (Most) People With Emotional Support Pets

John Crist blows the lid off these fraudsters.


The Failure of Black Lives Matter
Effort to Win Georgia Senate Races by Bringing in Out-of-Staters to Vote Is Illegal
Deja View: Big Tech's Liberal Echo Chamber
What American Schools Should Teach About Race, Racism, and Slavery
Who Needs Faith Advisers?
For more of today's columns, visit Right Opinion.

Tuesday Executive Summary

Another House GOP pickup, Biden's "woke" transition team, Georgia recount, and more.

Tuesday Short Cuts

Notable quotables from Joe Biden, Justin Trudeau, Ilhan Omar, and more.


For more of today's memes, visit the Memesters Union.


For more of today's cartoons, visit the Cartoons archive.

Join us in prayer for our Patriots in uniform and their families — Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen — standing in harm's way, and for our nation's First Responders. We also ask prayer for your Patriot team, that our mission would seed and encourage the Spirit of Liberty in the hearts and minds of our countrymen.

Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis


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