Tuesday, November 10, 2020

NEWS WITH VIEWS 11/10/2020


Subversion Factor: Electoral Fraud by Socialist Democrats

President Trump has fought hard for America and her people; it’s time for us to scream bloody murder for him.  Where the hell is the Durham report that has been put off since summer and was promised after the election?  Where is that stinking report?Does it even exist or is it going to be buried?  It’s after the election, so where the hell is it?.........
by Kelleigh Nelson.

The Real Reason Regressives Are Pretending Biden Won

It goes without saying that those proprietors––who spent multi-thousands of dollars to protect the businesses that support their families, and that help them pay taxes to our government,boarded up their properties knowing that if President Trump won reelection, they would be the merciless targets of the bought-and-paid-for Democrat anarchists who unfortunately symbolize today’s Ugly Americans.........
by Joan Swirsky.

Even If This Election Has Been Stolen, This Is What Donald Trump Should Do Next

Trump Media could report on the number of times President Biden lost his way back to the Oval Office from the nearest bathroom, for example. Both his and Kamala Harris’s efforts to further the anti white racism, antimale sexism, and gender-fluidities of the Cult of Woke would be answered with real, credible exposure and competition.........
by Steven Yates.

President Trump Has Been Re-Elected In 2020, the Media and Ilk Just Haven’t Reported It

So no, Joe Biden has not won the 2020 election.  This is far from over, and it’s not because we’re sore losers.  It’s because we represent the Constitutional Republic of the United States and we understand that criminality and injustice are destroying our nation.  So we will not kow-tow to the bullying and criminal tactics of a people group intent on destroying our Republic.........
by Ms. Smallback.

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