Sunday, October 11, 2020




by Our Spirit
As you listen to the instructions for putting on the mask, washing hands, etc. understand that these are rituals of Satan who is using mass hysteria to walk humanity into global genocide. Satan has cast a spell on the weakest among us - mass brainwashing. We must resist the mask as though all of humanity depends on it.
48 of us need to stay wide awake and hold vigilance over evil as we pull our brothers and sisters back from the abyss that is upon us.
What are Maskers like Tom Hanks, Gaga, Fauci, Nancy Pelosi & JoJo Hiding from You?
pocketsofthefuture -- Oct 10, 2020

Think about this...we have seen mass groups of Asian people in masks for a while now. We haven't really been told anything other than they have concerns for colds and contagions. I never really questioned it. But now, knowing what I do about the stages of genocide...and that it rolls out, one group at a time, how do we know that they aren't just further along in theprocess than we are?

Think of the Uyghurs. At one time we saw them in masks...then they were in internment camps (which they said were re-education centers). Then we saw them loading up in boxcars. If the globalists are trying to exterminate humanity, they would do it one group at a time, until they had us all in lock down with our hands microchipped.

Each country is at different stages. The last time we heard from Melbourne, Australia they were all under house arrests. You saw the video a few days ago with the British military knocking on residences doors with questions about vaccinations. Now we hear in Canada that the internment camps are being erected.

Doug Ford gov't won't deny COVID-19 quarantine camps are coming to Ontario



Pelosis Take Big Stake In CrowdStrike, Democrat-Connected Linchpin Of Russia Probe


This PDF below is an election bulletin from Judicial Watch: The Militant Left's Plan to Disrupt the 2020 Presidential Election.


Stealing from the Poor to Give to the Rich

Team 48, do you see how the face mask is an evil ritual that is being used to mesmerize, hypnotize the masses? Think about Tavistock, mind control, global control, vaccines, 5G, the face masks and lockdowns. We are being marched into world-wide genocide by sociopaths. You must stay awake.

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