Saturday, October 24, 2020


                                                 SHAM CHRISTIANITY



I have been praying all this week for God to tell me what He wants said in the weekly sermon I deliver. Usually He lets me know it the most unusual ways. I might get a letter or a question asked, or I may see a situation that I know He has set before me. This week…nothing…nada…zilch. That is until last night!


I have been busy working on my BLOG. With the election season upon us and so much to cover I have been really busy. I was worried that the Lord might think me to busy for His work but last night it was as if someone ‘turned on the lights.’


In the course of working on my BLOG I came across information respecting the various religious practices of the candidates. One, a Mormon, another Southern Baptist, a Methodist, then something I never heard of. One candidate identifying himself as Christian but in researching the church he belongs to, hardly Christian in its teachings.


First of all Christianity is to be identified as ‘Following the Way of Christ. To me this means, ‘Do what are the things Jesus would do.’ Follow the teachings of Jesus as He was God in the flesh that came to walk and teach amongst us.


When I saw a church that identified itself as Christian and preaching that abortion, for any reason, was perfectly within their religion, I asked myself, how can they claim to be Christian! There is a Commandment that is quite emphatic on this act.


Exodus 20:13 “Do not murder.”


This Commandment does not equivocate and is clear in its meaning. Murder is the talking of a human life for reasons of revenge, anger, convenience, retribution, or anything that may fit within these parameters. It cannot be equated with the death sentence and is wrong, sinfully wrong.  How any church can say, “We are a Christian church.” then advocate abortion, is beyond my comprehension.


Then that church is well known for practicing racism. Anti white is amongst its teachings.

Just as there are churches that identify themselves as Christian as they teach hatred of Jews, Blacks and any person not totally of the Caucasian race, no church can honestly be named as Christian that does not embrace all races.


Throughout the Bible there are references of persons of other than whiter (Caucasian) that Jesus kept the company of or befriended them. Jesus Himself identified Himself as a Jew. His followers did the same.


Matthew 22: 41-42 Then, surrounded by the Pharisees, Jesus asked them a question. “What do you think about the Messiah? Whose Son is He?” They replied, “He is the Son of David.”


No church can name itself as Christian that seeks to live a life within political correctness! Just as there is, ‘separation of church and state,’ within our government, we must realize that political correctness has no place within our beliefs of Christianity. NONE!


Then there are churches that say, “We are Christian,” then set about judging the acts of any person that does not endorse there utter nonsense as the things they do for publicity are anything but Christian. These people are hateful in their religious practices and I think God just might have a ‘thing or two’ to confront them with at the time of their Judgment.


This sermon may be the shortest I have ever sent you but in my heart, I know it to be God’s Word. All praises to Him!


(Closing prayer)


Almighty God, Father of us all, we praise You and we worship You. You alone are our God and it is You that knows what is in our hearts and minds. You are our Judge and You alone established You church here on earth and set the laws under which Your church must teach. Praise be to You for setting our hearts on the true Path to Your Kingdom.


Lord, we ask and pray that the eyes of our brothers and sisters be opened to realize that Your Way is not the Way of political correctness but the Way You want us to live. Lord, we know that You have allowed Satan to run rampant here on earth and we ask that You protect us from his wiles and devices.


Lord, protect our military, our sons and daughters that are in harms way. Keep them safe and ease their fears. Please guide or elected officials and open their eyes to You wishes. Be with our Judges, our police forces, our national security people and most of all Lord, with us, Your servants.


In Jesus name we pray, Who is One with You and the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever,


Amen, amen and amen.  


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