Wednesday, September 23, 2020

NEWS WITH VIEWS 09/23/2020


Another Federal Judge Rules That Coronavirus Shut Downs Are Unconstitutional

Friends, there is enough information exposing this perpetual fraud for what it is (Ephesians 4:14). I just thank the Lord that He sent in good judges to help further expose this fraud it for what it truly is.........
by Bradlee Dean.

Would You Be a Slave In Your Own Land?

In every war there is a winner and a loser. If Conservatives can’t or won’t fight for what is right and to preserve freedom, then Conservatives are hopeless losers. We’re not talking about the politician Conservatives. They’re no help at all. We’re talking about the Conservative masses.........
by Ron Ewart.

Australian Report Discloses the Economic Destruction of the Global Warming Fraud

Australia is, in many ways, a country like the United States; and both were used as places to settle convicts. When the US Revolution stopped Great Britain’s transport of convicted prisoners here, they deported them to Australia. The Commonwealth (federal government) of Australia was established on January 1, 1901,after approval of a draft constitution by Australian voters.........
by Kathleen Marquardt.

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