Thursday, July 30, 2020


Submitted by: W.G.E.N.

Hopefully many of you will listen and THINK and then share it with others.
How easily so many will follow the *leaders* -- right into the prison camps and smile all the while they are doing so.
One of the comments made in this was about not questioning *authority*.  That was something I have always done - QUESTION AUTHORITY. 
I have never been a compliant member of this world - always questioning those who tell me I have to do something.  There's a few County deputies in Pierce County who most likely remember me from years ago -  When they told me I had to sign the ticket - I asked them what would happen if I didn't - I suggested they would probably *kidnap* me and then demand *ransom* from me - (Arrest me and hold for the fine) - That seemed to really irritate the guy and he demanded I sign it or else.  So I wrote in PRINT - "UNDER DURESS"  and then signed my name and handed it to him.  THAT REALLY ticked him off.  Funny how when a court date had been set and I had the two officers and the guy who monitors the radar set up served with subpoenas - none of them showed up in court.  Yes - I have always QUESTIONED AUTHORITY and will continue to do so.

A Chilling Warning from Trump's Former N.S.C. Dir. of Strategic Planning

Jul 23, 2020

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