Tuesday, January 28, 2020


Submitted by: Kathy Hawkins

With news breaking of the coronavirus' spread globally, many have alleged that this could turn into a full-blown pandemic.  If that happens, there are ways to prepare yourself and your family.
No one knows the timing or the severity of the next pandemic, but we do know the rise of the superbugs and the coronavirus is upon us and the time to prepare is NOW!

As most of you are aware, the chances of superbugs killing 10 million people per year by the year 2050 are getting higher.  Because of the rise of infectious superbugs – infections that cannot be killed by drugs or Western medicine’s interventions – I’ve decided to put together this guide that will help you quarantine your home and prepare your family for a pandemic.
You’ll want to hunker down in your home as soon as possible and keep it as clean as possible to reduce the risk of getting sick. You should also build a “quarantine kit” or “pandemic survival kit” with some necessary items. These are the items you’ll want if you and your family stay home and are not ill, and the ones you’ll need if someone does become infected.
  1. Body Suits and N95 Masks
  2. Thick Plastic Sheeting (common at home improvement stores) and Duct tape or painters’ tape
  3. Simple and easy to clean cot
  4. Strong High Mil Trash Bags 
  5. Hydration and Electrolyte Options (sports drinks or others)
  6. Immune Booster (pine needle tea, for example)
  7. High-quality disinfectant soap, bleach, and scrubbing tools
  8. Disposable latex gloves
  9. 5-gallon bucket to act as a backup toilet (multiple would be preferred)
  10. Water – in this case, at least 2 gallons of water per person for up to 7 days if possible. More is better.
Should a person get sick, you’ll need to create a “quarantine room” to care for that person while keeping everyone else safe. Designate a room for the quarantine in advance. If the room can have a bathroom or is a bathroom that would be best. It’s a much better area to quarantine someone especially if they are going to be vomiting or having diarrhea. Use your duct tape and plastic sheeting to seal off the opening of the room from the rest of the house.
Because you’ll have clothing and bedding to wash, consider storing more water than you think you’ll need.  A pandemic may not cut off water and power supply, but if it does (for example, everyone who can fix it becomes sick) you will want to have some extra clean water on hand.
Constantly clean your surfaces and bleach the cot if it’s been used to care for a sick person. Always wear disposable gloves and toss everything out in your heavy-duty trash bags after a thorough cleaning. When it comes to a pandemic, you cannot kill too many germs and if it’s a superbug, you will want to come at the organism from all directions (bleach, alcohol, boiling water, etc.) considering it will be incredibly difficult to kill.
You should also give your immune system a fighting chance and start now before a pandemic breaks out.  Try boosting your vitamin C intake or drink some pine needle tea. Your goal is to keep from getting sick and treat any ill person to the best of your ability should doctors become unavailable. Preparation is key for pandemic survival.
Mac Slavo

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