Thursday, October 17, 2019

NEWS WITH VIEWS 10/17/2019

I Stood Eyeball to Eyeball With the CNN Trump Hater Jeff Zucker at the Democratic Debate

I stood face to face with the CNN traitor Jeff Zucker…eyeball to eyeball. He is a midget. Shorter than me. I’m 5’7” on a tall day. On the scene doing his best to overthrow an election. He’ll soon be looking for a job but needs to call in some favors to stay out of jail..........
by Coach Dave Daubenmire.

Using Children as Political Props

Teachers’ unions have known that for years. Study the nooze reporting, if you can find any, of any teachers’ strike. As if tenure, almost ironclad job security, pensions, and, in many school districts, salaries higher than those of the defenseless taxpayers whose labors support them, teachers’ unions sometimes go on strike for higher pay. Heated public meetings follow.........
by Lee Duigon.

The Frightened Old Woman with Her Trump 2020 Flag

The Bill of Rights, Article I states, “Congress shall make no law… abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press;” What can we do if an enemy sets up a “press” to manipulate elections, news, and other information to promote its ends or to subvert our way of life?.........
by Lloyd Marcus.

Do We Need or Want 110 Million More American Immigrant-Consumers?

We desperately need a national conversation on what kind of a civilization we expect to bequeath to our children. If we keep on this path, it will be an unbreathable nightmare of too many cars, smokestacks and carbon exhaust for anyone to breathe.........
by Frosty Wooldridge.

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