Tuesday, September 3, 2019


From: John Porter
To: Americans everywhere
Socialism in our Education System

          I strongly urge and recommend your help in being sure that every High School and College student in America has the opportunity to read (study) this tremendously important piece by Kathleen Dynan. Please forward to all you know. Let not one of us rest until we have proven Adolph Hitler wrong when he made the statement, (Quote:) "Give me a child when he is 7 and he's mine forever."

Please help with this, John Porter.
From Kathleen Dynan:
          Young American, be angry.  You are being robbed of your future and heritage.  How?                           
          The Federal Government hijacked control of our K-12 education and the outcome is high-spending and poor academic results.  America’s students rank in the middle of the pack in math, reading and science compared to other industrialized countries.  (Pew Foundation)
          Since this hijacking, America’s history has been stripped of truth and taught as though America is the evil empire.  America is not always perfect.  Slavery was wrong.  But, thanks to Republicans, the Civil War ended it and Republicans passed Amendments to the Constitution and new laws that brought former slaves into American society.  President Trump has helped build an economy where today, Black citizens’ unemployment is the lowest ever and home ownership the highest ever.  They teach that America is selfish.   If true, America would not have helped to rebuild Germany and Japan, two countries that tried to destroy us in World War II.  America has given more and offered shelter to more people in danger than anyone.  Do your own research, understand your heritage and fight to preserve it.
          Today’s history lessons do not teach the truth that no government based on the principles Marx and Engels published in 1848 has ever been good for citizens; not Fascism, Nazism, Communism or Socialism.  All offered “free” everything and won elections. Under those governments 60,280,000 citizens were killed from 1922 to 2006.  To understand the impact of Socialism today, readSocialism Sucks, Two Economists Drink Their Way Through The Unfree World.  Published this summer, it is written by two experienced economists who visit current Socialist countries to gauge the impact a Socialist government has on citizens.  One ranking they used is the price, quality and availability of beer, their favorite beverage.  They also describe the poverty and despair found in each country.  Again, do you own research, learn the truth and stop being led around by the nose.      
          In America, Democrats advocating Socialism are offering you “free” college.  College could only be paid for using taxes and fees.  Other income, e.g., Treasury investments, are debt and must be repaid with interest.  THINK!  If the government pays for your college, your future taxes will pay for everyone else’s.  An inferior education and high taxes limit your chances for success in a major way.  Those promising free college must think you are stupid.
          Why the lies?  Teaching young Americans to hate our country will make it easier for the greedy, power-hungry elitists to control them as citizens.  They want you to vote to replace our Representative Republic with Socialism, a system where the government controls all production and distribution sources.  Socialism would eliminate our guaranteed rights and freedoms.  It would replace the American Dream with poor, powerless citizens without a future.  Stop them.
          Democrats selling Socialism as utopia are lying.  They promise to tax the rich to pay for: the Green New Deal; free college; Medicare-for-All; supporting illegal immigrants; and “pity money” to descendants of American slaves.  The total estimated cost of these five is close to $140 trillion.  The United States’ total wealth was $98 trillion in mid-2018.  (Credit Suisse Research Institute)  My math shows them $42 trillion short, after taking, not taxing, our wealth!
          Finally, eight of the ten American cities with the highest homeless populations have a Democrat mayor; one is a Republican and one an Independent.  The ten American cities with the highest crime rates are all controlled by Democrats.  The question I have is WHY?  Again, do your own research.  Why haven’t failed leaders in these cities been voted out of office?  Before voting in local, state and national elections in 2020, and always, do your research to know who and what you are voting to put in office.  It is your future, own it!                                                                                                                                                                                            Kathleen Dynan, September, 2019

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