Sunday, July 28, 2019

NEWS WITH VIEWS 07/28/2019

300,000 Pulpits Across America Remain Politically Correct And Silent

If Christianity is dying in America — and make no mistake, the REAL THING IS on life support now — it is only because of the cowardice of those charged with leading, teaching, training and discipling God’s people..........
by Rob Pue.

Horse Sues Owner for Mistreatment

This writer who loves animals would always be disturbed if anyone charged with animal cruelty walked out of a courtroom without even a slap on the wrist. We kept pushing until actual animal courts were established to handle such cases and a new specialized law practice has been created, and rightfully so.........
by Rev. Austin Miles.

The Double Standard Liberals Ignore

I believe that most Americans have been aware of the double standard that is rampant in Washington, D.C.  The Democrat Party constantly holds the Republicans to a tougher as well as a higher standard than they hold their own Party members. In fact, they almost never hold their own party to any standards at all.........
by Pastor Roger Anghis.

Truth Sounds Like Hate

Television and pop culture did a lot of damage to my mind and soul. I went to church with my parents, but the gospel of Jesus Christ was a distant and uninteresting idea. The mundane ruled the day then. The mundane has been weaponized in our day.........
by Michael Heath.

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