Sunday, March 31, 2019


BERTRAND DAILY REPORT  The War For Your Mind & Soul Continues 

Subject: How to Methodically Take-Down the Deep State Without Firing a Shot, Dem's Self Destruction is the Gathering Storm---Videos

Friends and Associates:

As Patriots and those of us in this war as the "Digital Army" of [Yellow Jackets] in a psychological warfare battle, are not just "Keyboard Warriors" ......a term used by those that think the "war" should be fought in the trenches by putting the cart before the horse, are not in synch with modern digital warfare.

There is a psyop operation on both sides, and to win the first phase of the battle, before the weapons come is imperative that (WE) continue to expose the Deep State / Treasonous bastards, first by knowing everything there is to know about each Deep State [minion] operative acting as government officials / politicians, but more importantly to know and understand where their loyalty is and how compromised they are.

Once (WE) know everything there is to know about them, makes it easier for (us) to destroy them accordingly.

For instance.....WE must welcome Uncle Joe Biden to run and encourage the Dems to push very hard for Biden to run against Trump. That is easily done by using reverse psychology and the same weapons the Dems use against Trump supporters by trolling social media with "support for Biden !"

Biden is an easy target for destroying once the debates begin and it [will] be fun destroying Biden's reputation as a sleaze bag pervert. the present time, we have an enemy at our front door and his name is Adam Schiff.

This is a man that MUST be brought down psychologically and soon enough...judicially. He is a TRAITOR of the highest order with a history of being (allegedly) connected to the Ashkenazi Jewish Mafia out of Chicago with further [family] ties to the Communist Party USA, which originated in Chicago following the Communist Bolshevik Russian Revolution in 1917 which brought us the Soviet Union.

Adam Schiff is following the orders of the Rothschild / Illuminati / Communist Zionist agenda to take-back Russia from Putin at any cost....including WWIII (in the making).

He is compromised in the pedophile scandal involving the Standard Hotel (West Hollywood) where pedophilia is the main course. Epstein's agent for recruiting underage girls and boys, Rachel Chandler used the Standard Hotel's [services].

(Ref: Adam Schiff Standard Hotel & the Helicopter Crash)

Q Post 230358 Jan 31st 2018
The intel just dropped is bigger than you can imagine.

QAnon 2/1/18 - Adam Schiff Protects Standard Hotel, Train Wreck and Copter Crash #qanon #pizzagate

The bigger picture of what is happening behind the scenes, with the attempt to force Trump into a war with Russia, ultimately starting WWIII, is Adam Schiff's attempt to (continue) exploiting the fake narrative about "Russian Collusion," the push by the Deep State and the Venezuelan connection.

It has not been stated as such....but (IMO) and analysis, it appears the Deep State players at the very top, put Maduro in office, knowing Russia would protect him at all costs, but then to only turn on him in-order to force Trump's hand to invade Venezuela to remove Maduro accordingly.

On top of that....the Deep State (according to Dave at X22 Report), suggests, the Deep State shutdown the entire grid system to create further chaos while destroying humanitarian aid at the Colombian / Venezuelan border.....thus forcing Putin to react.

Then of course, millions of Venezuelans are fleeing the country and a good portion are heading to the U.S. border....the second war front (or first war front) used by the Deep State.

Therefore....Trump and the American Patriots are being hit from all sides and they hope a limited or full blown world war breaks-out in-order to blame Trump, of whom stands as the blockade to the Communist's New World Order plans......of which one we haven't heard about lately is the creation and implementation of the North American Union.

The Democrat Communist Party, working on behalf of the Soros, Rothschild, Council on Foreign Relations, etc, are in a very dangerous phase of self destruction, and like a rabid dog in the corner, being prodded....the dog will react until it's destroyed.

The more awake (WE) are, the easier the battle, but sitting on the sidelines and trolling for your own entertainment and weakness is counter-productive unless you are in this battle to win. #WWG1WGA

---Dave Bertrand

"Q Anon posts have suggested that Adam Schiff had some relation to the Helicopter that Crashed into a residential neighborhood. The victims were related to Standard Hotel…." 

A Stone-cold Traitor Guilty of Spearheading
a Highly Organized Conspiracy to Commit Treason and Overthrow the POTUS

Schiff is also guilty of fomenting war with Russia based on a patently false pretext and bogus allegations!

Very few understand that Russiagate was a highly organized Deep State conspiracy conducted by the Democrat Party to overthrow President Donald Trump and to start the hot phase of World War III with Russia.

KEY POINT: Members of the Global Intelligence Community know that Russiagate was actually coordinated by British Intelligence in order to provide the countless American co-conspirators plausible deniability. In this proper context, Russiagate is just the latest of countless plots to subvert the American Republic conducted by the British-domiciled Black Nobility. See CROWNGATE: THE GREATEST CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY IN U.S. HISTORY

Toward that end, Congressman Adam Schiff was selected early on to spearhead this unparalleled act of treason and outright warmongering form his high perch in the U.S. Congress.
Exactly why was Adam Schiff chosen to do the dirty deeds? Here’s why:

“You talk about compromised and easily coerced.
Shifty Schiff is nothing but a political hitman who’ll
do anything his hidden masters tell him to because
they have that much dirt on him. No Congressman 
will ever expose themselves as much as Schiff has
unless they have been bribed or blackmailed to.
And oftentimes it’s a combination of Pedogate
blackmail and irresistible bribery that keep them
doing their dirty deeds.”

— Intelligence Analyst and Former U.S. Military Officer
(Source: ADAM SCHIFF: Deep State Agent, Serial Leaker and Traitor to the Republic)

There’s a well-hidden back story to the Adam Schiff saga that is rarely told by the mainstream media, and only recently reported by the Alt Media—SOTN.

Only by knowing Adam Schiff’s true roots will his extreme hatred for Trump and irrational fear of Russia be properly understood. His background will also explain why he’s always been a pathological liar. House Republicans Demand Adam Schiff’s Resignation, Intel Committee Will Not Tolerate Chairman’s Constant Lying

Schiff family

The Schiff Family was well-known in America as a premier banking family. One of the patriarchs of the Schiff family bloodline, going back to the mid-19th century, was one Jacob Schiff. (It’s unclear if Adam Schiff is directly related to Jacob Schiff, but it’s the bloodline that really matters in this discourse.)
“Jacob Henry Schiff was a Jewish American banker, businessman, and philanthropist. Among many other things, he helped finance the expansion of American railroads and the Japanese military efforts against Tsarist Russia in the Russo-Japanese War.”[1]
Jacob Schiff’s father — Moses Schiff — was an Ashkenazi Jewish broker for the Russia-hating Rothschild international banking cartel.

Why do the Schiffs and Rothschilds have such an intense multi-generational hatred for Russia?
There are actually several documented reasons for this hatred.

The first is that these criminally insane banksters coveted (and still covet) the landmass of Russia more than anything else on Earth. In short, they want to steal the land and natural resources of the Russian Motherland, along with its industrial base and other state assets such as the massive gold reserves.

Because President Vladimir Putin has done his level best to protect Russia from these hardcore predatory capitalists, they demonize him incessantly as they denigrate Russia at every turn of events. Is there anything that Russia does not get blamed for these days—ANYTHING?

Secondly, these same Ashkenazi banksters have always wanted to totally control Russian society as a means to completely controlling the economy of Russia. However, there was a profound cultural impediment toward accomplishing this objective.

You see, Russia has consistently existed as a massive agrarian society over millennia. Certainly they possess the landmass to farm and forest till their heart’s content.

However, the Ashkenazi Jewry who lived in Russia were always drawn to the cities for work in the professional classes. The Jewish intelligentsia became, as they always do, the lawyers and doctors, bankers and accountants, politicians and businessmen, professors and scientists, jewelers and gold dealers, etc. In so doing, they became the power-players and power-brokers throughout the big cities, eventually owning the whole place either directly or indirectly.

Now here’s the real problem that the Jewish intelligentsia faced everywhere in Russia save Moscow and Saint Petersburg. Russia is a hugely rural country; not an urbanized nation. The only two cities most folks can even name between Europe and Alaska are Moscow and Saint Petersburg. That’s how much farmland and forest dominate the Russian countryside. And, that’s how very few big cities there are.

When so much of Russia is populated by humble farming, logging and mining communities, there are far fewer opportunities for the professional classes to take over the same way Ashkenazim took over European and American cities.

Siberia, for instance, was known as a matriarchal society with strong elements of ancient shamanism which were quite resistant to being dominated by these professional classes monopolized by domineering men. The Russian people are a very simple people who are close to the Earth and very suspicious of outsiders after centuries of invasions like those launched via the British-initiated Great Game.

In point of fact, the Great Game was nothing more than Rothschild banksters using Great Britain and other powerful militaries to steal Russian land and resources. And the economic and financial version of this war by stealth continues in earnest up to this very day. Moreover, there is no other press on the planet today as maniacally hostile toward Russia as London’s Fleet Street, as it has been since its very inception.

KEY POINT: The many waves of migration of the Ashkenazi Jewry away from their ancestral lands in Russia (e.g. Ukraine) and Eastern Europe occurred to a great extent because of their inability to take over the largely agrarian societies. When the professional classes especially saw that they were unable to exert their control over the people or influence the earthbound communities as they did in Western Europe, they soon left but with much animosity in their hearts. The city of Chicago is full of many of these highly disaffected and vengeful Russian expatriates. And, the profound and pervasive Russophobia intensifying across America today is entirely due to these politically powerful elements whose roots are found in the same Khazarian Mafia that dominate London, New York City, Paris and Tel Aviv.

There’s a very detailed history on Western Russophobia that was published by this media platform as a 14-part series under the following title. For the uninitiated, this series provides a stand-alone narrative and valuable background info on the ongoing Great Game (that’s really the fiercest and largest resource war on Earth).

This is why the Zio-Anglo-American Axis is so determined to wage war against Russia.

It’s of paramount importance to apprehend the single biggest fear that the Zio-Anglo-American Axis (ZAAA) has where it concerns Russia. The ZAAA banksters and politicos are well aware that Russia could be transformed into an economic and political powerhouse overnight were they to form natural alliances with all the right partners … … … such as Germany.
“Russophobia in this particular context was quite purposefully manufactured (as in Made in the USA) over generations as a ruse to justify the exploitation of the Russian Motherland. By fabricating fear toward the “Russian Bear”, it’s easy to marshal worldwide opinion against her. Friedman refers to how ‘scary’ a strong Russia would be, especially when closely allied with Germany.”
(Source: STRATFOR Chief Reveals Zio-Anglo-American Plot For World Domination)
The upshot of this exposé on the Schiff family is that they are Russophobes through and through who are well aware that a Russia-Germany alliance poses the one and only serious threat to the rapidly collapsing British-American Empire.
The historical Intermarium, bounded by the two yellow lines, is being rapidly militarized by NATO to support multiple attacks against Russia once the Neocons warmongers are desperate enough to launch such a foolhardy invasion.

Back to Adam Schiff

Given the preceding revelations it ought to be easy to comprehend Adam Schiff’s true role in American government. He has been handed the torch of Russophobia from his forbearers in order to advance the rabidly anti-Russian agenda defined by the following goals and objectives.

It’s important to note that this list of 10 policy goals and strategic objectives was quite emphatically stated by George Friedman, the Ashkenazi Jewish Founder of STRATFOR—a virulent anti-Russian private intelligence agency. He made these incredibly candid statements at a regular conference hosted by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs on February 4th, 2015. (Friedman was apparently forced to resign his position as STRATFOR Chairman/CEO shortly thereafter in 2015, so we know these extraordinary disclosures are absolutely true and highly radioactive.)
Chicago is the covert headquarters for the globalist planned North American Union. In point of fact, the Windy City even has the most influential sub-chapter of the all-powerful Council on Foreign Relations—the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. Chicago is also the de facto capital of the Military-Industrial Complex and where many of the Neocon Zionist crime families reside and/or originate from.[2]

Neocon blueprint to isolate Russia and
prevent its alliance with Germany

(1) Russia must be contained and controlled in any way possible so as not to even pose a potential threat to the USA’s sole superpower status.

(2) Germany must be prevented from entering into an economic union with Russia; fabricating false pretexts by the USA in order to levy economic sanctions against Russia drives a wedge between both nations.

(3) A German-Russian alliance would challenge U.S. world domination as no other combined force on Earth. The marriage of German capital and technology with Russian human and natural resources would be invincible.

(4) The best way to preclude a close collaboration between Russia and Germany is to bring war to their borders, especially through the employment of “spoiling attacks” (read: terrorist attacks). Russia has experienced this with Chechnya, Georgia, South Ossetia, and the Ukraine.

(5) By inciting wars among Russian neighbors and conflicts between the concerned Eurasian powers, USA world supremacy is assured (e.g. the Ukraine conflict was started after Russian peacemaking initiatives in Syria).

(6) Just as the British Empire controlled its many colonies through divide and rule, the U.S. must use the same MO and military tactics. Rome used the same divide and conquer strategy appointing local kings to maintain the peace.

(7) Pilsudski’s Intermarium delineates the ideal way of containing Russia at the European border, which could then be used as a springboard to conquer the Motherland. Pushing Russia’s Western front close to Moscow poses a serious existential threat.

(8) Channeling the hatred of the defunct USSR, found within the Baltic states and ex-Soviet satellites, toward the 25-year old Russian Federation will help secure the Intermarium.

(9) Maintaining a cordon sanitaire around Russia will neutralize its military force, limit its alliances and minimize its economic influence throughout the world. Forever keeps Russia on the defensive.

(10) Russia and Germany must be kept apart even if it means starting World War III. The first two world wars served the very same purpose; the Ukraine Civil War can be expanded at any time in order to preoccupy the concerned nations as it was chosen for its volatility.

How does President Trump fit into the multi-century Neocon war plan?

Trump seemingly expressed sincere intentions to make peace with Russia.
Trump is a businessman — first, second and third — and apparently had an epiphany during his dealings with the Russian Jewish mafia in Brighton Beach. He probably saw the extraordinary business potential of working with Russia instead of fighting with Moscow. He’s no fool and could see the tremendous opportunities for joint development that existed if only the United States and Russian Federation were to collaborate harmoniously.

This attitude alone must have caused Adam Schiff to flip a switch. He clearly sees Trump as the enemy of his clan who’s only interest is to conquer Russia in order to steal her land, resources and enslave the people just like they did under 75 plus years of Jewish-led communism. See: RUSSIA & THE JEWS: Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Exposes The Christian Holocaust

Why else would Schiff relentlessly harass the POTUS unless he was motivated by his hidden Russophobic agenda that opposes Trump’s vision of peace?


This exceedingly significant narrative is the single most important story to comprehend today concerning the exceedingly dynamic global geopolitical chessboard. Its underpinnings constitute the very reasons why World Wars 1 and 2 were really engineered and were purposefully separated by the bankster-manufactured Great Depression. More relevantly, this esoteric knowledge provides essential understanding for the current push into the hot phase of WW3.

In other words, this retelling of critical history, at this crucial time in human history, comprises the “whole megillah”, as they say in Yiddish. To know these few facts is to know why life on planet Earth is so chaotic and lawless in 2019…on one mundane level, of course.

Adam Schiff, then, is merely a lowly and pitiful pawn on the fast-moving global geopolitical chessboard that is heating up like never before … or at least since World War II. For it truly is World War III that the Neocon warmongers hope to trigger in order to complete their scheme for total world domination which absurdly includes the formation of a One World Government. As follows:

The Only Remaining Option for the NWO Globalist Cabal is World War III

The Bottom Line:
Adam Schiff is a key co-conspirator within a massive Deep State conspiracy to overthrow the President Trump. Other obvious co-conspirators include Democrats Eric Swalwell, Jerrold Nadler, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Maxine Waters, Richard Blumenthal, Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, Kirsten Gillibrand, and Mazie Hirono among many other prominent members of Congress. This seditious plot to remove Trump from office by way of a soft coup also implicates Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, John Brennan, James Clapper, Michael Hayden, Robert Mueller, James Comey, Susan Rice, Samantha Power, Rod Rosenstein, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Bruce Ohr, Lisa Page, Christopher Steele, Glenn Simpson and Stephan Halper among many other treasonous Deep State operatives. Of course, there are numerous traitors throughout the Mainstream Media who also covertly colluded to carry out a soft coup against Trump whose names are now notorious for “fake news”—Rachel Maddow, Anderson Cooper, Wolf Blitzer, Brian Stelter, Cris Cuomo, Chris Matthews, Larry O’Donnell, Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski, Andrea Mitchell, Lester Holt, Alisyn Camerota, Erin Burnett, Keith Olbermann etc. The critical point is that the fake Russiagate hoax was a highly organized and orchestrated scheme premeditated at the highest echelons of the U.S. Federal Government to surreptitiously overturn the 2016 POTUS election outcome…and then start an all-out war with Russia.
State of the Nation
March 28, 2019

Editor’s Note
Were this illuminating exposé to enjoy wide circulation, everything could change in a day and a night, especially the warped American attitude toward Russia. This is an exceptionally pivotal piece of the puzzle regarding the clandestine New World Order agenda which ought to be revealed post-haste. Therefore, we respectfully ask our readers to disseminate this post if it resonates.

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From the Desk of Capt. Dave Bertrand (Ret.) Your Comments Are Welcomed and Can Be Published Unless You Specify Otherwise.

Retired Int'l Freight Captain (DC-8 & B-727), Former (State) Law Enforcement, U.S. Customs (UC) Sector 5, Vietnam era Veteran (Korea), Embry Riddle Aeronautical University & University of Alaska (Undergraduate), Interests include Border Security, 9/11 Conspiracy, Government Corruption, New World Order, Freedom vs Communism, Secret Space Programs & UFO Encounters, Aviation, and Enjoy Living Off-The-Grid.

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