Wednesday, February 6, 2019

NEWS WITH VIEWS 02/06/2019

Science Is Too Valuable To Be Hijacked By Politics

Man engaged in science even before the development of writing systems and language.  Ancient civilizations charted the positions of planets and stars.  The ancient Mesopotamians used rational science almost interchangeably with magic.  They had extensive knowledge about the chemical properties of clay, sand, metal ores, bitumen, stone and other natural materials that they used in the manufacture of pottery..........
by Ron Ewart

How Does One Deny The Fruit That The Tree Bears?

Man engaged in science even before the development of writing systems and language.  Ancient civilizations charted the positions of planets and stars.  The ancient Mesopotamians used rational science almost interchangeably with magic.  They had extensive knowledge about the chemical properties of clay, sand, metal ores, bitumen, stone and other natural materials that they used in the manufacture of pottery.........
by Bradlee Dean

Socialism Is A Lie And Kamala Harris Is A Liar

Socialist theory is antithetical to the principles on which America was founded. Under the original American view of government, private property rights are championed and protected. But in the socialist view, private property ownership is denounced and demonized.........
by Jake MacAulay

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