Friday, December 28, 2018


Submitted by: James Miles

We are at war with Muslims - they want to kill us and we treat them like any other peaceful religion.  Meanwhile they're multiplying like sewer rats and building mosques from Sea to Shining Sea - at last count nearly 10,000. 

 I saw where a bunch of Burka wearing gals were elected to Congress last month.  They were sworn in with their hands on a Koran.  The camel's nose under the tent or the Pig's nose under the tent- just to piss them off. 

 Aside from mosques most corner stores/gas stations are run by a Mohamed with snake eyes and a wicked smile.  Mohamed's are also driving cabs in most of our large cities and some small ones too.  The Mosques are their main command posts - corner stores are their outposts and cabs are their roving surveillance.  

If you're an Infidel better watch your ass!   I carry my concealed .45 pistol 24/7 and a 12 gauge shotgun in the rack of my pickup also a sharp K-Bar.  If you're against firearms, as Democrats and pussies are attend your nearest mosque on a regular basis - maybe they'll kill you last.  

Let's hope Chris Wray and his FBI bunch, while they're busy investigating Trump and his administration are also keeping an eye on the Infidel killers.       


This is interesting..

What Is An Infidel?

Now who would have thought it would be this simple to explain!!!!!!

The author, Rick Mathes, is a well-known leader in prison ministry. The man who walks with God always gets to his destination. If you have a pulse you have a purpose. 

The Muslim religion is the fastest growing religion per capita in the U S,  especially in the minority races. Not the Catholics, not the Mormons. Last  month I attended my annual training session that's required for maintaining  my state prison security clearance. During the training session there was a  presentation by 3 speakers representing the Roman Catholic, Protestant &  Muslim faiths, who each explained their beliefs. 

I was particularly interested in what the Islamic Imam had to say. The  Muslim gave a great presentation of the basics of Islam, complete with a video. 

After the presentations, time was provided for questions & answers. When it  was my turn, I directed my question to the Muslim & asked: 'Please, correct me if I'm wrong, but I understand that most Imams & clerics of Islam have  declared a holy jihad [Holy war] against the infidels of the world &, that  by killing an infidel, (which is a command to all Muslims) they are assured
of a place in heaven. If that's the case, can you give me the definition of  an infidel?'

There was no disagreement with my statements & without hesitation, he  replied, " Nonbelievers".

I responded, 'So, let me make sure I have this straight. All followers of  Allah have been commanded to kill everyone who is not of your faith so they  can have a place in heaven. Is that correct?'

The expression on his face changed from one of authority & command to that  of a little boy who had just been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.' 

He sheepishly replied ..... "Yes" 

I then stated, 'Well, sir, I have a real problem trying to imagine The Pope  commanding all Catholics to kill those of your faith or Dr. Stanley ordering  all Protestants to do the same in order to guarantee them a place in  heaven!' 

The Muslim was speechless. 

I continued, 'I also have a problem with being your friend when you & your  brother clerics are telling your followers to kill me! Let me ask you  another a question: 

Would you rather have your Allah, who tells you to kill me in order for you  to go to heaven, or my Jesus who tells me to love you because I am going to  heaven & He wants you to be there with me?' 

You could have heard a pin drop. Needless to say, the organizers & promoters of the 'Diversification' training seminar were not happy with my  way of dealing with the Islamic Imam & exposing the truth about the Muslims' beliefs.
In 20 years there will be enough Muslim voters in the U.S. to elect the  President ! 

I think everyone in the U.S. should be required to read this, but with the  ACLU, there is no way this will be widely publicized, unless each of us  sends it on! This is your chance to make a difference.


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