Wednesday, September 19, 2018

NEWS WITH VIEWS 09/19/2018

NBC’s Transgender Attacks Bradlee Dean And Alex Jones By Playing The Victim

Recently, I came across an article by NBC News calling out Alex Jones for having a long history of inflammatory, anti-LGBTQ speech, and sure enough, they had me in the mix of their propaganda-hit piece. When I first saw the article, I knew exactly what I was dealing with.  The propaganda was written by none other than transgender and “useful idiot” Alexander Kacala (John 8:44)..........
by Bradlee Dean.

There Are No Grand Solutions Without Grand Participation

During the Revolutionary War of 1776 there were around 2,500,000 inhabitants of the 13 Colonies. At the height of the war around 80,000 militia and Continental Army soldiers actually fought the war against the British that had around 86,000 soldiers. The 80,000 American soldiers represented just 3.2% of the total population. Hundreds of thousands of Americans escaped into Canada. At least one third were loyal to the British.........
by Ron Ewart

Prof Shoots Himself On Campus In Protest Of Trump, AR-15’s, And Malnutrition

Webster’s 1828 dictionary defines the term “derangement” as a “disorder of the intellect or reason; delirium; insanity; as a derangement of the mental organs.”  I only bring this meaning up because I think we all fall victims to this mentality if there were not an independent standard of right and wrong; something our founding fathers called self-evident truths.........
by Jake MacAulay

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