Thursday, August 30, 2018


Submitted by: Robert Bowen

Evil Epoch in America

Funny how the devils try and always change the subject matter ! The Truth shall set you free ! It’s coming , Trump slowed it up . 

Obama told Trump on the tarmac , yes you slowed it up , but you are just a road block a bump in the road . The NWO they will rule planet earth . 

Let me translate this for you , the evil child killing , devil worshipping , liars , thieves , murders , Constitution hating , haters of order and rules that does not allow the destruction 95% of earth population ( Georgia Guide Stones – look it up ) want total control

Why is it that many really don’t want to hear the truth ? 

The Bible states the love of many shall grow cold and they shall become lawless , truce breakers , having affections for things that are not natural , liers , murders , thieves and anything that opposes GOD . 

Why does Lisa Haven repeat many things over and over ?

 I’ ll ask this question , why does the watchman sound the horn over and over until someone responds ? 

Answer , because he does not want blood on his hands . 

Lisa is trying to warn you and is using truths that has been penned by evil beings that want you dead . Everything can be verified if you but look it up ! Don’t let the Evil in your ears and cause you to not listen to the horn sounding . The enemy is within our gates . The proof is in the pudding , it is right there before your eyes ! Your gold in Fort Knox has been stolen , there is no gold to back up your paper with pictures of dead presidents on them . The UN troops are within our nation . 

The Russians are also within our boarders . Isis Muslim refugees are within our boarders . The drug cartels are within our boarders , just to name a few . 

Why is America being burnt up ? Why are they using Frequencies to bombard your heads everyday and even hour ? Why are they allowed to manipulate our weather with frequencies causing floods , fierce winds and droughts ? 

Why is the nazi who provide the gas for killing the Jews heading Monsanto which is allowed to poison our foods and water and manipulate our crops that work against 
our DNA ? 

Cancer is growing rapid , new diseases are beginning to kill ? Why was the last few presidents allowed to use Treasonist executive orders that will soon imprison Americans and allow them to behead them with guilotines that Bush signed in as law and Obama ordered from China ( 30,000 — 15,000 in Montana and 15,000 in Georgia ) why was Obama allowed to land Russian nuke planes in South Carolina ? Why was he also allowed to bring in 15,000 special force Russian troops to protect him from Americans in 
May 2015 then increased them to over 150,000 . Talk about Russian collusion !!! 

Why was he allowed to remove our nuke button pushers saying I think they might have cheated on their tests , exchanging them for Muslims which has been our enemies for centuries ? 

Why was he allowed to sign in a UN treaty ( Christmas 2015 ) for the UN to take over America and remove our guns , afterwards sending in troops thru our closed down army bases ? 

Why was he allowed to show Chinese officials our power power grid and how to shut it down Thanksgiven 2013 ? 

The list could go on . But wake up !!! You are being taken down piece by piece ! 

Did you know it is illegal by the law which was created by our Evil Rulers to catch and keep Rain water for your use ? Look it up ! He who controls the water controls the population . You die with out water after 3 days ! These evil entities need to be dealt with and the damn laws destroyed that bind and limit tax paying law abiding Constitution following citizens of America created to harm them . They have created these evils against humanity to destroy them ! It’s time to seek them out and reveal who they are and let them be dealt with ! They are evil Anti-Christs !

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