Monday, July 30, 2018

How the Bar Associations Contrived to Overcome the Constitutions and Common Law

Submitted by: W.G.E.N.

This is another web site I visit daily.  Info here that few understand or take the time to understand.  That is a major problem in America -  most want the one liner headlines with no *fiber*.  I blame that on the public (f)education indoctrination program that has held our students captive for at least the last three generations.  *THINKING* is a forgotten art - no longer taught or even admired.  The big thing now is ARTIFICIAL Intelligence - heavy on the ARTIFICIAL part.

Jackie Juntti
Psalm 127: 1 Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

07 30 18 More Nitty Gritty How the Bar Associations Contrived to Overcome the Constitutions and Common Law + How to Recognize the Walking Dead aka Undeclared Federal Agents


By Anna Von Reitz

More Nitty-Gritty: How the Bar Associations Contrived to Overcome the Constitution and Common Law

We have long been aware of the “sea change” that happened in the American Court System circa 1965-66. We have been aware that the result was an unlawful conversion of the State of State Courts from operating in Common Law to Statutory Law and that this was accompanied by an equally unconstitutional and improper shift in legal presumptions about our “Persons”­in fact, an unlawful conversion and trafficking in our Persons occurred.

The organic constitutions under which our states (soil) and States (land) function all refer to “persons” defined as Natural Persons ­ living men and women ­ and “inhabitants” ­ again, living people who have made their home (soil) and established their domicile (land) in one of the sovereign States of The United States of America.

So exactly how was this sleight of hand “redefining” Natural Persons as legal fiction “Persons” accomplished, and how was the Organic Constitution and Common Law overthrown? And why?

The why is simple enough. The Territorial and Municipal United States and their federated “State of States” business franchises had been operating on a fiat currency system for decades and draining away our American silver dollars via their inequitable “dollar for dollar” exchange rate established by the 1934 Emergency Banking Act. By 1965 they were looking for new actual, factual assets to “exchange” for their I.O.U.s.

Credit systems based on I.O.U’s. are not real in the sense of having something of intrinsic hold-in-your-hand value to exchange. Having established a virtual monopoly on our monetary system and having removed both gold and (largely though not entirely) silver from circulation at that time, they moved on to the next obvious step creating the fictional Persons/PERSONS to go with their fictional money ­ and seizing upon and subjecting our actual Natural Persons as the source of their credit.

So profit and control of our assets were the motives. That’s why.

And here’s how: an unconstitutional and undisclosed “amendment” to the State Constitutions, allowing the rats to tack on statutory law as an administrative option and allowing the commingling of “Persons”­-which then allows them to use “judicial discretion” to unlawfully convert Natural Persons to legal fiction Persons and prosecute these under statutory law.

These “amendments” were presented as voter initiatives by the schemers who then purposefully misled voters as to the nature and affect of the proposed amendments to their State Constitutions.

We have it dead in the water in New Hampshire and it is being confirmed as a repeat performance at about the same time in all fifty States. This is proof of a nationwide conspiracy, promoted by local Bar Association members and allowed by politicians.

All these “amendments” are null and void for fraud and failure to disclose their intent and affect, and in violation of the original organic Constitutions owed to the States and People.

The paperwork related to New Hampshire’s case is being posted on my website:

We need researchers in all fifty (50) states to examine the voter initiatives and constitutional amendments proposed in your states in about the same time period ­ 1965-66 ­ to nail down the same fraud being promoted in all fifty states.

These amendments allowing commingling of “Persons” need to be nullified by declaration from the moment of their adoption and brought forward for nullification by the courts themselves.

See this article and over 1100 others on Anna’s website here:

07 30 18 How to Recognize the Walking Dead aka Undeclared Federal Agents
By Anna Von Reitz

As you now know, most of us have been declared legally dead and have to prove that we are alive and have to take action to establish our birthright political status and re-convey our Trade Names back to the land and soil of our birth in order to protect ourselves and exercise our reversionary trust interest in our own birthright estates.

This is because we are being targeted as victims in the biggest identity and credit and bankruptcy/insurance fraud scheme in history. They indemnify you from loss and damage to legalize their theft and literally “put a gloss” over their seizure and use of your identity, credit, and assets­- and then prevent you from ever making a claim, simply by not telling you how and never revealing that you have the option.

But at least you can, by dint of hard work and learning and help from others along the way, regain your living status.

As things stand, federal citizens are “dead” and remain so, because their only presence is as “dead” corporate entities: JOHN DOE (Public Charitable Trust), JOHN M. DOE (Bankrupt Public Utility) and JOHN MARK DOE (Foreign Grantor Trust). And many of them have no choice in the matter, other than invoking “Equal Civil Rights”. They are in terms of law, among the “walking dead” by definition.

Now, nobody in their right mind wants to be stuck in that helpless zombie status, but as long as nobody knows that they’ve been handed a second class “citizenship” instead of their Natural and Unalienable rights– who is going to complain, right?

Most Federal Citizens are harmless, but there are some notable exceptions: crooked judges and lawyers, insurance adjusters, paid snitches and trolls and runaway politicians.

So how do you recognize these predatory zombies?

Many of them are blowhards who speak the loudest and take the most extreme stances and try to convince you that they know what is “really” going on (and you don’t). They also regularly entrap innocent people and encourage them to take wrong action as a means of getting them into trouble.

That’s what happened to Schaeffer Cox. That’s what happened to the “Colorado Nine”.

Schaeffer’s story is typical. The Federales imposed upon people of shady character who were in trouble already to act as infiltrators and snitches.

The snitches were then encouraged to lead Schaeffer to make mis-statements that could be used as evidence against him and they recorded those statements without Schaeffer’s knowledge. They also used their position of trust to feed him wrong information and encouraged him to be paranoid and react to phantom threats. That’s what landed him in jail with a very long sentence.

The Colorado Nine story is also textbook. An insurance adjuster (Honk! honk! Buzz! Wee-O! Wee-O! “Licensed professional” Honk! That’s my Shinola Sensor going off in the background) named Michael R. Hamilton showed up all of a sudden and was immediately the loudest voice in the room, the most ardent advocate of “taking action” ­ always implying violent action and “resistance” and “preparation” and calling me and anyone who supported me names and making suggestive remarks and even outright accusations against my “loyalty”.

People who require licenses from the government to make a living are always at a disadvantage, and because they are, they can more easily be “compromised” and outright forced or “encouraged” to run these sting operations.

So Michael R. Hamilton, insurance adjuster, came in and made himself out to be the brightest legal mind that ever was, the most knowledgeable, most ardent patriot around, and he shoved the Colorado Nine into making exactly the wrong moves and he cast doubts in their minds about me so that they didn’t heed my warnings.

But ­ please note ­ when it really came push to shove, Michael R. Hamilton was nowhere to be found. After preaching action, action, action ­ he took none. He wasn’t arrested. Once the others were in jail, he took a powder and disappeared. Probably went to the Bahamas for a well-earned vacation on Uncle Sam’s ticket.

Beware the loudest voices, the ones that taunt and ridicule and cast doubt on others. Beware the big egos that are all about “me, me, me, and mine” touting their own horns and bragging about their accomplishments. Beware those preaching action without really defining what “action” they advocate and especially beware of anyone pushing violence, fear, or suspicion aimed at local people and long-time friends.

Michael R. Hamilton wasn’t even from Colorado.

If you listen carefully to these shysters you will always hear faint echoes of a carnival barker, someone selling you something, someone overbearing you, someone making you afraid, someone making you doubt your own horse sense.

Turn away from these characters, because they are up to no good. Just pay them no mind. Turn the knob. Shut them down. Don’t let them dominate you or hog the floor at meetings and don’t stand around while they insult and cast doubts on other members of your group.

Chances are, when you see these behaviors, you’ve got an undeclared foreign agent on your hands.

One way to help “cut to the chase” with these scenarios is to use the Bevins Declaration at the start of every meeting public or private. Just say, “Anyone here acting as an undisclosed federal agent or provocateur, anyone seeking to collect information for Third Parties, anyone working for some other agenda such as entrapment or solicitation or redirection of our group is now invited to declare themselves or leave.”

Strange as it may seem, this simple precaution often causes Federal Agents to respond. They raise their hands or they vacate and that’s just fine. If they don’t respond appropriately to a Bevins Declaration, they are made fully liable for their lack of disclosure and any evidence they collect is tainted.

See this article and over 1100 others on Anna’s website here:

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