Wednesday, February 28, 2018


Deep State Making Final Move on America +Videos (video)

Deep State Making Final Move on America +VideosCONTRIBUTOR: John Rolls. Bertrand Daily Report The War For Our Mind & Soul Continues By Capt. Dave Bertrand, Ret. During the early 90's, the 4,700 plus members of various "Secret Societies" around the world, mostly 33 Degree Freemasons, Skull and Bones, Bilderberg Group, Council of Foreign Relations, etc began to rear their ugly...


Zach Is Back - Military Tribunals, North Korea False Flag, Saudis Are Zionists, CAIR Is Muslim Brotherhood (video)

Zach Is Back - Military Tribunals, North Korea False Flag, Saudis Are Zionists, CAIR Is Muslim BrotherhoodCONTRIBUTOR: Zurich Times. [Feb 27, 2018 - ZurichTimes] Zach the Insider is back on with Alex Jones and delivers more Insider Information. A short summary of the discussion and allegations; North Korea will be used within the Syrian Conflict to start WWIII and yes even the NY Times is reporting on that [article...


100-Year-Old Way to Filter Rainwater in a Barrel

100-Year-Old Way to Filter Rainwater in a BarrelCONTRIBUTOR: Gabi. During our boiling, broiling, blistering summer of 2012 here in the Missouri Ozarks, water was a topic of conversation wherever we went. Creeks and ponds dried up (some never recovered) and the water table dropped, forcing a few neighbors to have their well pumps lowered or to even have deeper...


'This is a New Low': ICE Director Slams 'Gang Lookout' Oakland Mayor +Videos (video)

'This is a New Low': ICE Director Slams 'Gang Lookout' Oakland Mayor +VideosCONTRIBUTOR: John Rolls. By Tyler Durden / ZeroHedge As we previously detailed, in a press release issued late Saturday night, the lawless sanctuary Mayor Schaaf tipped off illegal aliens in the region that ICE is preparing to conduct extensive operations across the Bay Area. Since she did this, she and her family have...


Why Glenn Beck Is the Most Dangerous Man in America

Why Glenn Beck Is the Most Dangerous Man in AmericaCONTRIBUTOR: common sense. Why Glenn Beck Is the Most Dangerous Man In America Six weeks ago, an FBI agent told me an aside story that Glenn Beck was betraying the Patriot movement by joining the Leftist media. I left aside the tip until I saw something tangible and ow we have credible evidence...


I Can’t Title This Post Because it Will Be Banned—Critical, Crucial Report About an Attack (video)

I Can’t Title This Post Because it Will Be Banned—Critical, Crucial Report About an Attack CURATOR: Lisa Haven. By Lisa Haven If you are a freedom loving patriot who values American principles then you are likely already aware of the massive amount of censorship happening on social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Google, and other globalists linked organizations that target individuals who bring attention to their continuous, creepy...


Water on the Moon May Be Widespread and Immobile

Water on the Moon May Be Widespread and ImmobileCONTRIBUTOR: Alton Parrish . A new analysis of data from two lunar missions finds evidence that the Moon's water is widely distributed across the surface and is not confined to a particular region or type of terrain. The water appears to be present day and night, though it's not necessarily easily accessible. The findings...


Ron Paul: ‘The Fed Is At A Crossroads…Crisis Is Coming’

Ron Paul: ‘The Fed Is At A Crossroads…Crisis Is Coming’CONTRIBUTOR: Mac. The Fed has created a mountain of problems for everyone in the United States and every single solution that they come up with leads to even more problems. Ron Paul recently discussed what the Fed has done, how it tries to keep things going, and the inevitable economic crisis that...


Black Eyed Kids They're Just Kids, Right?.... Wrong! What Are They? (Video) (video)

Black Eyed Kids They're Just Kids, Right?.... Wrong! What Are They? (Video)CONTRIBUTOR: Jeffery Pritchett. There's something more than just odd about these black-eyed kids. Their eyes are entirely black, they insist upon entering their vehicle or home, and who seem to ooze an overwhelming sense of fear and panic. The black eyed children are supposedly otherwise normal looking children ranging in ages from five...


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