Thursday, September 7, 2017


Submitted by: Roger Ogden

Chicano Park is a place full of outrageous anti-American murals.  I planned to give a tour of the anti-American murals.  We were going to have some pizza beforehand.  The Chicanos (La Raza) got wind of it, though we did not put it on social media.  We started getting threats.  We knew a lot of crazed people were going to show up.  However, we didn't want our civil rights to be denied and went, anyway, thinking if they go through with it, at least we can get video of it.  So, we just did what we planned from the beginning.  A woman and her 11-year old daughter dropped out due to the danger. Below is video of the Patriot Picnic by Kris Wyrick, a Proud Boy.  It shows a all of the picnic from start to finish. 

Our Police Chief, Shelley Zimmerman, tweeted afterwards her thanks to all for keeping it "non-violent."  This was outrageous,  due to the fact that a violent mob of 500 violated our civil rights by not allowing us in the public park by threat of violence and made us fear physical injury and even fear for our lives.  Putting a fear of injury in a person is "assault" by CA law, even if the person is not touched.

What occurred is not any different, in principle, from the time in 1965 that Lester Maddox used an ax handle to keep an "invasion" of three blacks out of his restaurant in 1965 in Atlanta.   Actually, our case is worse, because his restaurant was *private* property and we were trying to enter a *public* park, funded by the taxpayers.  In 1965, it was not yet so well established that you couldn't deny anyone you please access to a privately-owned restaurant.  The Chicanos have been denying patriots free access to this public park for many years, if they know they are coming.

I was told that the Chicano Park Steering Committee swore to a group of Mexican-American veterans, trying to get a vets monument installed there, that the American flag would NEVER fly above the park.  They think they own this public park as the first piece of Aztlan to be reconquered and will  use extreme violence to protect it.

Kris's wife infiltrated the mob and took the parts of this video from the crowd across the street.  

This video shows a "troublemaker," who was displaying an American flag at the park and was escorted out due to threats from the crowd. 

US Flag Banned At Trump Protest in Chicano Park by La Raza in San Diego

A playlist of additional videos about Chicano Park.
Roger Ogden

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