Thursday, February 2, 2017


Submitted by: Royce Latham  Comment of William Homolka added

Which Type of Islam Will Genocide You

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The continuing source for this education is one of the founders of American Homeland Security in Mr. Phillip Haney. The following information has been kept deliberately from the American public, and therefore the world, as it provides the education to stop the genocide of the Western Christian Peoples.

This is a post which each of you should print on paper and electronic copy to read and share, as this education on Islam is what your life depends on, and if your grandchildren will survive.

Mr. Haney's descriptions are so complete and perfect that they only require to be read and remembered.

I will list the 5 Types of Jihad though which are gone into detail

  1. Financial Jihad: Jihad Fisabillilah mah, using money to enslave people.
  2. Language Jihad: Jihad Lisan, using propaganda to put people at ease to destroy them.
  3. War Jihad: Jihad Al Saif, using war to conquer people after money and words have weakened their resistance.
  4. Displacement Jihad: Jihad Haraj, the use of force to remove people from their own nations.
  5. Slaughter Jihad: Jihad Dekel, the final solution, the murder of all non Muslims 

There are actually at least five specific forms of jihad outlined in Koranic literature, ultimately in the shariah.

We all remember Anwar al-Awlaki. His specialty was jihad fisabilillah-mal [PH] Jihad in the form of money, meaning financial attack. That was his forte. Everybody in the world knew that Anwar al-Awlaki was a specialist, like a kind of a doctor, in this particular arena of jihad, to break the economy of the West, for example. And that’s, by the way, one of the reasons why Anwar al-Awlaki is so popular is that he translated the abstract concepts of Koranic law, shariah, and abstract concepts of the Koran itself into English. He became the Rosetta Stone. He was bicultural and bilingual and translated these heretofore hard to understand concepts into English for everybody to understand. That is his legacy, if you will, from the Islamic perspective. He brought the light of Islam into the Western world by the use of language. His specialty was jihad fisabilillah-mal in money. 

There’s also jihad of the lisan, the language. In other words, you might call it promotions, like Tablighi Jamaat. Or you might call it outreach, engagement in dialogue. Those terms that we use in our own language, we don’t realise that there’s a mirror meaning to it from the Islamic perspective. And when we engage in outreach and dialogue, we’re actually performing a subtle component or enabling a subtle component of one form of jihad, which is promotion of Islam through words.

The one we’re most familiar with is jihad with the sword, al-saif.That’s the one that gets the most attention in the world today, but it is by no means the only form of jihad.

I would also like to mention that in all of our discussion of jihad that there are other verbs in the Koran that are magnitudes more violent, more powerful, if you will, than the verb jihad. The verb jihad occurs about forty times in the Koran in its different iterations. There are two other verbs, I call them operative verbs, that occur four times more frequently than the verb jihad. Those are slaughter, dekel [PH] and displace, which is haraj [PH], rhyming with garage. Those verbs are what I call operative verbs because they come into play whenever there is fitna, as you mentioned earlier.

Any resistance to the promotion and implementation of shariah law anywhere in the world is seen as a fitna, an opposition. And when necessary, those other operative verbs aside from jihad come into play.

Mr. Haney, continues the lesson in explaining the Muslim language in it's entire meaning, for Haraj means to displace Americans, Canadians, French or Germans from their nations, but the displacement is by FORCE. It is not just removing a Christian, but to eradicate them by driving them into the sea or forcing them over a cliff to their deaths.
Every person reading this must comprehend that there is absolutely no difference in Islam from a group like ISIS who is raping and beheading people in Syria or a group in a mosque praying in Quebec, as they are viewed as the same militant soldiers of Islam. The banker or oil producer enslaves by money or oil. The media in al Jazeera enslaves by thought in political correctness and hate speech. al Qaeda enslaves by the AK 47 and terror. The Muslim immigrant or invader enslaves by numbers to push the native peoples out of their homes, and the entire group are ordered to terrorism and murder to fulfill the Islamic mandate.

The groups with money and diplomas are called HIRJA and belong to MUHAJIRUN. The groups with guns and bombs are JIHADI and belong to MUJAHIDEEN, a term the world learned in Afghanistan, as it was morphed by the cartel into al Qaeda, the confederation of the gun groups who distract from the real invasion of the refugees.

Hijra is different than haraj. They are two completely different verbs.Haraj means to push away. When they say they were going to drive the Jews into the sea or the Iranians declare they’re going to eradicate this place, the Zionist regime, that’s the verb that they’re using. It’s a direct application from the Koran. 

But to address hijra, people who do hijra are called the muhajirun. As opposed to people who do jihad, they’re mujahideen. They do sound a little bit similar as well. And here’s the point our listening audience needs to really take to heart, people who are muhajirun, who immigrate to a foreign country for the sake of implementing Islam receive the same reward in heaven as those who fight with a gun. It’s an implicit understanding, it’s not passive or accidental. They know, let’s say intuitively, they’ve learned it from the time they were children, if they immigrate, if they become muhajirun, they are guaranteed the same reward in heaven as the ones who are called mujahideen, the ones who fight with guns.

In all of this, whether it is Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR, the Red Crescent or anything else associated with Islam, it is all under the same mandate and one can not be a Muslim, unless they agree to this by direct action or silent assent, because the basis of all Islam is from the Koran, to use economic terrorism, journalist terrorism, armed terrorism, refugee terrorism or genocide terrorism, it is mandated by every imam, cleric, mullah and ayathollah to PREPARE TO TERRIFY YOUR ENEMY.

The Muslim Brotherhood is the primary driver of the modern Islamic revival movement.
That means implementation and enforcement of jihad internally and implementation and enforcement or promotion of jihad externally. If you look at the word of the bottom of their logo, it means prepare. That is derived directly from Koran 8:60. Prepare yourselves to terrify your enemy.

Save this, print this, keep this and share this as there is not ever going to be NUFF SAID over this ever.**************************************************************************
Thank you, Royce, for another highly informative article - critically informative, I may add. I will print this and send it to President Trump emphasizing paramount passages that serve as absolute truths.

The message here reminds me of Vietnamese thinking during our war there. They knew that they were no match for us milititarily, so they relied on the teachings of Lao Tzu's "The Art of War." To wit, to use cultural, economic, psychological warfare to defeat us. Remember TET '68. We destroyed them on the battlefield, decimating the Viet Cong forces, BUT our illustrious leftist MSM turned it around to be a stunning victory for Vietnam. They couldn't believe their luck! 1968 - that was the end of the Vietnam War by defeating us spiritually: they sullied our cultural history and broke our will to fight to win. Sound familiar?  The lefties, allied with the muzzies, are doing it to us again!! Will we fall for another TET?  TET '17??

We must spread this far and wide - REPEATEDLY!!  In marketing, it is said that potential customers must be hit repeatedly with ad copy - 7 times - before they buy. WE HAVE AN IGNORANT POPULATION THAT MUST BE HIT IN THE HEAD REPEATEDLY WITH THIS MESSAGE. POST IT!! CONTINUE TO CIRCULATE IT!!  OUR LIVES AND THE LIVES OF OUR FUTURE GENERATIONS DEPEND ON US!!!

Thank you again, Royce. Excellent work.

William Homolka, Editor

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