Friday, June 24, 2016


Submitted by: Edward Moore

We HAVE been hosed!

> > Are we hosed?  NO.  We have gotten exactly what we deserve.  Paul Ryan is still in charge after he voted to rape us with higher taxes!  Barrack Hussein Obama is still sitting in the White House, raping America on a daily basis, and no one to stop him.  Our leaders want to take our ability to defend ourselves.  Once you had to own land to vote. It was believed the least educated citizens would even make a sound decision.  It worked.  The lowest of the low could figure out rubbing two sticks together they could make fire.  Today, Our VOTERS will now take these two sticks and stab each other with them.  Am I wrong?  No one will stand up and fight. Fight the treason, fight the abandonment of moral law. Fight the socialists communists advancements. All those professional signs made for low life's were paid for by “The CommunistsUSA party”


Submitted by: P McMillan

A Message For Christians About Donald Trump ^ | June 24, 2016 | Wayne Allyn Root

Posted on 6/24/2016, 10:16:15 AM by Kaslin

I am a Jew turned evangelical Christian. I am also a passionate supporter of Donald Trump.

I have a message for Christians who don’t like Donald Trump: “YOU’RE MISSING THE BOAT.”

Christians have Trump all wrong. God sends messages in many forms. You’re just not listening. God is talking, but you’re eyes and ears are closed.


Dear Patriot,
After the San Bernardino terrorist attack, Obama and the Democrats fought to strip gun rights from Americans without due process of law.
During a Congressional hearing, Trey Gowdy created a viral video sensation where he reduced an Obama bureaucrat to a bumbling mess by destroying Obama’s policy of trashing the Second Amendment.
Now that Obama has resurrected his push to restrict gun rights without due process, Gowdy once again shared the video that made him an internet sensation.
Click Here to Find Out More about Trey Gowdy's Scrutiny Over Obama's Gun Control Policies.
Steve Thompson



The Hillary Clinton email scandal just won't go away. The presumptive Democrat presidential nominee's apparent lack of transparency and honesty are, once again, capturing headlines. The Associated Press reports:

"Former Secretary Hillary Clinton failed to turn over a copy of a key message involving problems caused by her use of a private homebrew email server, the State Department confirmed Thursday. The disclosure makes it unclear what other work-related emails may have been deleted by (her)."

Grassfire first brought you details of Clinton's reported failure to turn over the potentially incriminating email exactly four weeks ago. Here's what we wrote:


New World Order Enslavement and Eugenics at the Forefront Now

Friends and Associates:

Former Green Beret / Special Forces Jeremiah Johnson breaks-down the current WWIII strategies by both Russia and the U.S. in his compelling report (below) of how Obama will force Putin's hand, making WWIII "imminent."

The report was written before the BREXIT vote (today), of which the U.K. has voted to exit the European Union.


Brexit Trigerring Massive Market Chaos - Global Flsh Crash Happening Now!!! (video)

Brexit Trigerring Massive Market Chaos - Global Flsh Crash Happening Now!!! CONTRIBUTOR: Christopher Watson. Urgent breaking news. Markets in massive flux. Brexit triggering flash crash. New World Order bureaucrats are scrambling to hold the EU together. Market analyst Bob Kudla joins Gary to break the truth about the market reaction to the Brexit vote. BREAKING NEWS: BREXIT TRIGGERING MASSIVE MARKET CHAOS - GLOBAL FLASH...


BEFORE IT'S NEWS 06/24/2016

Britain Votes to Exit the EU and Astoundingly David Cameron Resigns! What Happens Next? “Black Friday”! (video)

Britain Votes to Exit the EU and Astoundingly David Cameron Resigns! What Happens Next? “Black Friday”! CONTRIBUTOR: JayWill. Britain Votes To Exit The EU And Astoundingly David Cameron Resigns! What Happens Next? “BLACK FRIDAY”! Written by JayWill7497 Britain’s Prime Minister Cameron Preparing To Exit Amid EU Vote Britain’s vote to leave the EU is being called Independence Day by some, a disaster by others, and is expected to...


CHUCK KOLB 06/24/2016

Shabbat Shalom - Behaalotecha (When You Raise) - Meaning of the Menorah !!!

Previously posted ...
Brexit Devil in the Hair of the Queen !!!

Welcome to our study of this week’s Torah portion,
which is called Parasha Behaalotecha (When You Raise).
Please read along with us, and discover timeless Torah
truths in this portion of Scripture to be read in synagogues
this Shabbat. We know you will be blessed !


BJ3: Brexit Wins!...YES!...We can only envision that Soros bet the majority of his fortune on “remain” to make a “big monetary killing” so as to have more money to use against Trump and “us”. A major reason for the “Leave” win......MIGRANTS!  Now, even France wants a referendum. And if “Leave” wins there, that will leave Murky Merkel holding the bag, as Great Britain and France boot out their “migrants” to Germany. Let’s see Germany and its people sustain that and the remnants of the EU then. Italy should do the same....and fast...before France does.  PS..,After the vote, an “official” said that the vote would have been even higher to “Leave” had the “remain” forces not lied, misrepresented, used scare tactics.
From: blueislandbobsue.....Earthquake: Brits Vote to Leave EU...The election result was called by the BBC and other news outlets before a nation bitterly divided between those who believe their prosperity and security lie in European cooperation and those who say Britain needs to regain control over its destiny and its borders. Turnout.....

BJ3: Of course, Sher is right.  A price they would not pay had they not joined in the first place. Still, they recoup it in no time as now they can make their own decisions....From: sherzieve.....
Price paid for taking back its sovereignty? 
Brexit Would Hit UK Econ Much Harder Than Its Promoters Expect: “Potential Dismemberment of the UK” 

BJ3: Yessiree, Senator it should be...and as we’ve long regular readers know.

BJ3: And, of course, BHO spins it to “The Supreme Court could not decide” instead of “We didn’t twist enough arms to win”.
Anyway, Sher predicts he still won’t stop. From: Rob E  BREAKING: Supreme Court Splits On Immigration, Voiding Obama...

From: Jo Wideman CAPS Executive Director.....Amnesty Push Ruled IllegalThe case was a real nail-biter. So much was at stake, and it came down to a 4-4 decision. Thankfully the forces of reason prevailed and the country made a statement that our immigration laws cannot, at least blatantly, be violated! Today’s judgement upholds the existing block on President Obama's illegal actions.   CAPS is ecstatic to share this news. Not that it needs to even be said, but, there is still plenty of work to be done before we even come close to regaining control over our immigration system and eventually stabilizing our population. Nevertheless, this is a distinct victory!
With energized determination,  Jo.  (no link)
BJ3: Just half going to Trump would do...From: Sher Zieve    From: "freedomusa

BJ3: For the dumb-downed crowd...From: sherzieve  
From: "Technocracy News"

BJ3: Ah yes...the “attractive Latina” with nothing upstairs...From: Sher Zieve....As do so many totalitarian individuals, Sotomayor wants to exclude the law when it doesn't agree with "the cause."   From: Dave Hollenbeck...(ELECT HILLARY--and there will many more Sotomayors )
Sotomayor’s Ferguson Essay She ignores the law and issues a political polemic in dissent...
From: Sher Zieve   From: John Rolls.....Orlando Shooting Hoax - Ambulances? What Ambulances? Orlando Don't Have No Ambulances. | Alternative  
From: sherzieve From: "John Rolls"...Anatomy of the terror threat: Files show hundreds of US plots, refugee connection | Fox News
From: audree lynn...
Not surprised one bit. If they admitted the truth, then they'd have admit to their false narrative. This admin tell the truth? ~ name one in the last 71/2 years.   From:  John...
So ICE and the Ovomit administration LIED to Congress and Americans.  Anyone surprised? They knowingly and willingly are putting each one of us in jeopardy.  Just remember, Crankles wants even more admitted to our country. Had enough yet? 
Report: Released Criminal Aliens Committed Nearly 10X more crimes than Admin told Congress

From: Peri McMillan.....MUST read.  And this was from last year and it’s certainly gotten worse since then. wow.  she tells it like it is.  This woman's op-ed piece is made all the more credible by her own legacy:  Reality sinking in.
From: Sher Zieve...Tragic for a wonderful animal...From: Dave Hollenbeck
Border Rescue Dog Dies While Saving Illegal Aliens

From: Jenny...When good neigh-bors become good friends: The horse and cat who have a heart-warming bond


UC Irvine College Republicans Have Attorney to Fight Suspension—Shawn Steel

By Stephen Frank on Jun 23, 2016 08:30 pm
Looks like the homophobes running UC Irvine are about to find out about American Justice and the need for Universities to be run as education facilities, not to promote personal political agenda’s and quiet those they disagree with.  The UC Irvine College Republicans tries to have Milo Yiannopoulos as a speaker.  He is an internationally […]

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