Wednesday, May 25, 2016


Bill Gates of hell: Windows 10 hijacking computers....Has Bill Gates gone too far? Microsoft is now "hijacking" people's personal computers across America, forcing them to "upgrade" to the controversial Windows 10 operating system. And you won't believe how the tech giant is fiendishly tricking everyone into accepting ...

BJ3: It’s actually higher....and, in part, why our polls still show Trump +10.
From: Sher Zieve.....So...Mike's/Michelle's going to pass up being Queen of the world when his/her spouse becomes the Luciferian King???   From: charlite...
Notably fewer and fewer public appearances of 'Michelle' (Michael?) - and notice the none other than Susan Rice is substituting for our 'First Lady' on Barry's current apology tour through Asia. I've considered that this phony 'Barry and Michelle' marriage has been a massive hoax from whenever it began..............and have further believed that Malia and Sasha were adopted - meaning that 'Michelle' never bore either of them - perhaps because 'she' isn't a she. Just sayin'
SHOCK: Massive Bombshell About The Obama's Marriage In 2017: The 'D'-Word!
BJ3: Big deal....they move one out; they move one in...TSA head pays the price for long lines at airport security
From: sherzieve.....Going the way of San the city's destruction...From: "doug walk"...(Where is the man with a "male canine" wife, or woman with a "female giraffe" husband, this is definitely discrimination)
FORCED TO COMPLY: NYC Creates List of 31 Officially Recognized Genders and If You Don't Like it... PAY UP - Girls Just Wanna Have Guns
From: sherzieve...
Papal-backed Chislam is on its way...From: charlite58...In my opinion, this Pope is a sinister change agent with a far LIBERAL LEFT Socialist/Marxist NWO agenda.
Two Thousands Christians Form Their Own Army And Are Now Fighting And Killing Muslim Terrorists

Evidence scant California’s licensed illegal immigrant drivers getting insurance

By Stephen Frank on May 22, 2016 07:34 pm       Is anybody surprised that the Democrats, the DMV and Guv Brown lied to us about illegal aliens getting drivers licenses—and having auto insurance.  We said at the time it was a scam—they would never have or keep insurance.  Now we find out that the State of Government, under the leadership of the confused Guv Brown […]

BJ3: Thx, ryno....some of “us” were starting to get concerned that you were coming to your senses...
From: sherzieve....
Ryan has already proven himself as a once-stealth leftist.....
From: "cam39470"
Paul Ryan Congressman continues his double talk and RINO double cross  
Ryan: Trump could win, but I’m not ‘betting’ on it

The Left Is Now Targeting Christian Schools In Its Potty Crusades

From: Sher Zieve...
More of the killing off of US citizens...and almost everyone knows it.'s been and is being allowed.  Mass ObamaMurder coupled with, apparent, mass suicide of the intended 'victims'...From: John Rolls
Obama Knowingly Lets in Refugees With Tuberculosis: Ships Them to Indiana (Video) | Politics

REPORT: Migrants Committing Disproportionately High Crime In Germany While Media And Govt Focus on ‘Far Right’ Thought Crimes

BJ3: This from Rob....any comments?
From: Rob E.....No, Microsoft is not spying on you with Windows 10 | ZDNet
BJ3; Definitely WOW!    From: Sher Zieve  This is a GREAT story!
Vet's discovery saves dog moments before euthanasia

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