Saturday, April 2, 2016


28,000 Pastors Are Training To Keep You Calm On Your Way to a FEMA Camp

 28,000 Pastors Are Training To Keep You Calm On Your Way to a FEMA Camp CONTRIBUTOR: common sense. Many people in the independent media have reported that an estimated 28,000- 100.000 pastors were recruited by FEMA/DHS, as part of the Clergy Response Team, and that their initial and primary training was to tell their flock to obey the DHS version of Romans 13. Romans 13, in the King...


A Sign From Heaven Has Just Appeared: Warning of a Coming Catastrophe For America, You Have to See to Believe… (video)

A Sign From Heaven Has Just Appeared: Warning of a Coming Catastrophe For America, You Have to See to Believe… CURATOR: Lisa Haven. By Lisa Haven More signs of Christ’s return exist today than at any time in history. In Matthew 16:3 Jesus rebuked a crowd of people for failing to understand the “signs of the times” that ushered in His first coming. Sadly, many people today are following suite and failing to...


Soros Hijacks 2016 Election: This Is How They Do It, MO and All

Soros Hijacks 2016 Election: This Is How They Do It, MO and All CONTRIBUTOR: MILLENNIUM Reporter. THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today This female hooligan is a paid and trained agent provocateur. SOROS Conspiracy: Agents Provocateur Paid and Trained to Perpetrate Violence to Incite Riots at Trump Events SOTN Editor’s Note: Now this is very serious. The article posted below...


Ouch -- The Moment Obama Blows Up on Trump ‘He Doesn’t Know Much…’ (video)

CONTRIBUTOR: AmericanPatriot. As Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump’s recent views on foreign policy were hailed as “a page right out of Ronald Reagan’s playbook,” President Obama trashed the successful head of multiple worldwide businesses as knowing nothing about the world. Obama was asked about Trump’s policy pronouncements at the Nuclear Security Summit,...


Dr. Jim Willie: Expect More US Voter Fraud as US Debt Problem Looms (video)

Dr. Jim Willie: Expect More US Voter Fraud as US Debt Problem Looms CONTRIBUTOR: Voice of Reason. In the following video, Jason Burack of Wall Street For Main Street has on a very special guest, and that is Dr. Jim Willie. In the video, immediately Dr. Willie begins by saying how deep into the abyss our nation appears willing to travel, because as long as we have...


The Rothschilds and the Geoengineering Empire

The Rothschilds and the Geoengineering Empire CURATOR: Zen Gardner. By Dane Wigington Contributor, Why would the Rothschilds be so interested in owning the largest and most recognized weather modeling organization out there? Why would E.L. Rothschild LLC wish to have the controlling interest in the world’s leading provider of interactive weather graphics and data services for television, web,...


People Instantly Notice Something About This Photo of Bill Clinton at Hillary Campaign Event

People Instantly Notice Something About This Photo of Bill Clinton at Hillary Campaign Event CONTRIBUTOR: AmericanPatriot. The man who was once the leader of the free world and who commanded the awesome power that comes with the office of President of the United States is now not able to attract enough attention to fill a room. This was the reality shown by photos from a Clinton...


Doug Casey Warns "We're Exiting the Eye of the Giant Financial Hurricane"

Doug Casey Warns CONTRIBUTOR: John Rolls. Via / (This is Doug Casey’s foreword to Casey Research’s Handbook for Surviving the Coming Financial Crisis.) Right now, we are exiting the eye of the giant financial hurricane that we entered in 2007, and we’re going into its trailing edge. It’s going to be much more severe,...


Economic Insider Reveals Secrets Privy Only to a Few (Video) (video)

Economic Insider Reveals Secrets Privy Only to a Few (Video) CONTRIBUTOR: The Sleuth ​Journal. Must Know Intel About The Next 12 Months That Could Save Your Life. So many things are heating up around the world and time is running out for people to prepare and ready themselves for what’s ahead. Financial analysis’s are asking if 2016 will be the year the economy finally...


Einstein and Modern Physics and UFO Sightings (Video) (video)

Einstein and Modern Physics and UFO Sightings (Video) CONTRIBUTOR: Jeffery Pritchett. Robert Schroeder believes that we may be on the threshold of understanding the technology of UFOs. While it was once thought that the idea of extra dimensions was strictly the domain of science fiction, that has all changed in the last several years. Physicists now appear to be closing in...

CONTRIBUTOR: Michele Johnson

CONTRIBUTOR: Conservative Daily


CONTRIBUTOR: common sense

CONTRIBUTOR: common sense



CONTRIBUTOR: MyDailyInformer


CURATOR: Lisa Haven


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