Tuesday, January 19, 2016


Submitted by: Donald Hank

Our thanks to Julio for writing this bit of tragic church history and the misfits of today who still defend the inhuman practices that were observed back then. 
A few comments: The Catholic church at the time of the Inquisition was not the same as that of today. In fact it was in large part the horrors of the Inquisition that created the backlash that made the church more humane.
Yet according to Julio's article, an old friend of ours, Olavo de Carvalho, has taken a reactionary view on the Inquisition, declaring that it was a positive development that helped preserve the church and keep it pure. He laments that lying Protestants have created the false impression that being burned at the stake at that benighted time was painful, declaring that the flames were 16 feet high (did he measure them?) and that the victims were almost immediately suffocated to death before they could feel the heat. I wonder if Olavo would like to reenact this execution as an experiment on himself just to make sure that is accurate.
In contrast, I would have to say that the so-called church until the end of the Inquisition and the beginning of the Protestant reformation was not the church of Christ at all. The teaching of the Bible in the vernacular was banned so that only church officials could teach the approved parts of the scriptures to ordinary people. Yet who were Christ's target audience in His day? Ordinary people who were given the word in a language they understood, in contrast to Catholic parishioners who for centuries were not allowed to receive the Word in their own language but rather in Latin, which the vast majority could not understand -- and which, BTW, was not the language of the original Old Testament. 
I daresay that the Reformation introduced a pure and primitive, more Christ-like, form of Christianity -- the true Christianity taught by Jesus -- into the Western world and that people who today defend or romanticize about the Inquisition are not Christians at all but in fact Satanists. They harbor a deep-seated hatred of true Christianity and secretly hope for the elimination of Christianity in the West. In fact, many of them also have a visceral hatred of all things Russian -- perhaps because they know that the only nation in the world today that is sincerely preventing ISIS from killing of the Middle Eastern Christians (seen at one time as the enemies of Roman Catholicism) is Russia.
Living in Panama as I do, I have mostly Catholic friends and sincerely love these people. But let me say that Catholicism has been Protestantized and many of these people now eagerly read the scriptures that were  once forbidden to them by their Church. Most no doubt are not conscious of this fact and believe that their church was always as tolerant as it is today.
But the fact remains that, for all intents and purposes, the Medieval history of Roman Catholicism is the history of a form of Satanism disguised as Christianity, nothing else. With the exceptions of these misguided (and often apparently mentally unbalanced) individuals who are nostalgic for the bad old days, most Catholics today are more Protestant than anything else, and this is thanks to the tolerance shown by the early American Protestants.
One more comment: This Olavo de Carvalho has written Facebook comments critical of Protestantism, on which he blames all the present day ills of our country. Ironically, he is the president of an institute whose members are mostly prominent American Protestants! Equally ironically, Olavo de Carvalho came to America seeking freedom from socialist oppression and other ills, which he says he suffered in his native Brazil, the largest Catholic country in the world. Which begs the question: why did Olavo not stay there where he did not have to put up with all these Protestants and their misguided form of worship that he obviously despises?
But America is used to foreigners coming to our shores to escape bad economic situations and to receive benefits from generous but soft headed Americans but at the same time freely complaining that our country is not more like theirs. They come to escape alleged ills and then set about introducing those same ills into our country. Dare I say we do not need these immigrants?
I think America's romance with Donald Trump is a reflection of our bone-weariness with those kinds of ungrateful and often harmful immigrants and our desire that they simply stay home or return home before they have a chance to infect the US with the same mindset that made their countries fail.
It is chilling to realize that there are foreigners among us who actually think executing non-Catholics is a positive and necessary practice. If enough of these individuals were to come to our shores and try to re-introduce this demented and Satanic practice, imagine the tragic turn our country could take. I could see another Holocaust emerging thanks to Americans' willingness to defend foreigners to the detriment of our own people.
Following years of oppression by violent Muslims in French cities, the  political party Front National has adopted the now-popular slogan: France for the French.
After a long string of abuses by immigrant hooligans, terrorists and foreigners bent on imposing their draconian laws on us, how about: America for the Americans?
Don Hank

Bible Ignorance, Clergy Corruption and the Inquisition in England before the Reformation http://barbwire.com/?p=49266


In plain 21th century and especially in the pro-life and conservative movement, it makes no sense to defend the Inquisition, a highly divisive subject contributing nothing to the pro-family cause. But since 2013 I have seen the Inquisition, which tortured and murdered Jews and Protestants, being passionately excused and even defended by some Catholics. See “Can a Pro-Life Activist Defend The Inquisition?” in 2013 and “Neocons, the Inquisition, Russophobia and Lies” in 2015. See also my exchange with the American Catholic writer Theodore Shoebat, who said, “The Inquisition was necessary to protect the people of Spain and Portugal, and Latin America, from pagan tyranny.” (To understand more about the Shoebat case, see his declarations here and my article “A Global Inquisition to Put Homosexuals to Death?”)
After this Inquisition advocacy, I feel a Christian obligation to expose the truth, because only the truth makes people free.
I am reading the book “The History of Religious Liberty,” written by Dr. Michael Farris, founder of the Home School Legal Defense Association the world’s biggest homeschool association. This excellent book, which addresses also the Inquisition and torture and death of Christians at the stake, can be purchased, in its print version, from WND (WorldNetDaily), at this link. To purchase the Kindle version, click here.
“The History of Religious Liberty,” recommended by WND, one of the world’s biggest conservative news sites, should be read by everyone who wants to understand the bloody cost of religious freedom in England, which greatly benefitted the U.S.
In one part of this book, I remembered Brazil, which has, on a large scale, the same problem described by Dr. Farris and which happened abundantly in England before the Protestant Reformation 500 years ago. He tells about a powerful cardinal who had almost as much power in England as the king himself.

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