Friday, August 21, 2015

CHUCK KOLB 08/21/2015

Shabbat Shalom - Parasha Shoftim - Judges the Jewish King
- tzedek mishpat - righteous judgment !!!

This Parasha warns that judges (or magistrates) are not to show any kind of partiality or favoritism.
They are forbidden from accepting a bribe. It is written that God shows no favoritism,
but accepts anyone from any nation who fears Him and does what is right (Acts 10:34)

Previously posted ...
How Can This Be !!!

Welcome to this week’s Parasha (Torah Portion), which is named Shoftim (Judges)
This is the portion of Scripture that will be read this week during the Shabbat (Saturday)
morning services in synagogues around the world.  Please read along with us;
we know you will be blessed !


48-hour deadline: Korea about to explode?
The demilitarized zone between North and South Korea isn't demilitarized anymore.

The two sides have been lobbing artillery shells across their heavily fortified border for the past two days, but it is this one particular cross-border "incursion" that is bugging North Korean leader Kim Jung-un.

And he's made a promise to do something about it ...
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Aug 21, 2015 05:20 pm  

By Lucas Tomlinson  The U.S. Army is kicking out a decorated Green Beret after shoving an Afghan police commander accused of raping a boy.

***Our apologies for today's duplicate and late email. Our website updated its software and created an error. Remember, if you miss an email, you can always find updated stories by going directly to JoeMiller.US That's where our great line up of stories is today, including the report on America's depleted grain reserves and the North Korean "declaration of war" on the South. Thank you!***

Army Kicking out Decorated Green Beret For Shoving Afghan Cop Who Raped Boy, Beat Mother


Reid Teams up with Sandoval, Ralston to Fight Tax Repeal “Crazies”
By Chuck Muth

Yesterday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid joined the attacks on Nevada citizens who are seeking to repeal the $1.4 billion tax hike passed by the 2015 Legislature and signed into law by Gov. Brian “America’s Worst Governor” Sandoval despite the fact that not one of them last year campaigned on such a tax hike and despite the fact that almost 80 percent of Nevada voters rejected the gross receipts tax component at the ballot box last November.

In an interview with Michelle Rindels of the Associated Press, Reid vowed to do “everything I can” to stop our tax repeal effort, declaring that “it would be a real disservice to our state if the crazies were able to prevail.”



GRASSTOPS USA 08/21/2015

"There is no art which one government sooner learns of another than that of draining money from the pockets of the people." ~ Adam Smith
Love Him Or Hate Him,
He Makes Full Use Of That First Amendment!
Trump Announces Hillary Going To Jail

You might not like him but what you've got to love about him is that he's not afraid to tell it like it is ...

Read the Full Story


Dear Conservatives,

This week, the Center for Medical Progress released its seventh video in a shocking series that exposes the horrific realities of abortion at Planned Parenthood. Imagine the worst, and this is worse still. Video evidence and firsthand accounts now raise the prospect that babies are being partially delivered to abort them for their parts and even born alive before having their bodies dissected for their organs.

In no civilized society should this even be happening, let alone should taxpayers be funding an organization like Planned Parenthood that engages in such morally bankrupt practices. Congress is now conducting serious investigations of Planned Parenthood, as are at least a dozen states. But that is not enough.


Special Ops Soldiers Use Rental Trucks to Infiltrate & Occupy California Town

Special Ops Soldiers Use Rental Trucks to Infiltrate & Occupy California Town CONTRIBUTOR: NESARA. SPECIAL OPS SOLDIERS USE RENTAL TRUCKS TO INFILTRATE AND OCCUPY CALIFORNIA TOWN "Nobody syspected a thing" Image Credits: soldiersmediacenter, Flickr. by Paul Joseph Watson | August 13, 2015 U.S. Special Ops soldiers infiltrated and occupied a town in California using hay trucks and rental trucks, an admission that is...


MUTH'S TRUTHS 08/21/2015

The ABC’s of How the GOP Totally Fouled Up the ESA’s
Chuck Muth
August 20, 2015

Repeat after me: Republicans never blow an opportunity to blow an opportunity.

And it seems that even when they do something right, they find a way to do it wrong.  Such is the case with Nevada’s new universal school voucher program called “Education Savings Accounts.”

Yes, ESAs are a type of voucher program, though we’re not supposed to call it a voucher program even though we’re taking money for public education and giving it to parents to spend instead of dumping it into the traditional government-run neighborhood failure factories.

If it walks like a duck.


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August 21, 2015   Print


"How could a readiness for war in time of peace be safely prohibited, unless we could prohibit, in like manner, the preparations and establishments of every hostile nation?" —James Madison, Federalist No. 41, 1788


Slain Ferguson Girl Was A Life That Mattered


A Smog of Lies: Obama's Pollution Deception

2015-08-21 | by Sean Gibbons | Share on Facebook
Under the guise of protecting the public from pollution, President Obama announced sweeping regulations for U.S. power plants, forcing them to drastically reduce carbon dioxide emissions 32 percent by 2030. Coal stocks plummeted to record lows and two of America's largest coal companies filed for bankruptcy.

After such dramatic hits to the job rate and overall economy of America, one would certainly conclude such a sweeping, dramatic action would be backed up by science.

That validation, however, does not seem to exist. In fact, perhaps the opposite is true ...More

BEFORE IT'S NEWS 08/21/2015

We’re Nearing The Big Event—Disturbing Video and Map Surfaces, NYPD Prays to Allah, and the Islamic Explosion!

We’re Nearing The Big Event—Disturbing Video and Map Surfaces, NYPD Prays to Allah, and the Islamic Explosion! CURATOR: Lisa Haven. By Lisa Haven Did you know that the Islamic religion is not only one of the worlds fastest growing religions, but is also projected to increase faster than the world population as a whole? Did you also know that by the year 2050 the Islamic religion will be...



Here are the top Bellwether stories of the day

CNN/ORC Poll: Obama a Failure as President, Majority Says

The poll shows that 51 percent of the 1,001 adults surveyed between Aug. 13-17 disapprove of how Obama handles the presidency overall, with 47 percent approving, reports CNN. The president's show is a flip from those in a similar poll in late July, in which respondents gave him a 49 percent approval rating and 47 percent disapproval rating. ... Read More


Submitted by: BobJen

When interviewing those who work for him (or who have or have had business dealings with him) negative stories are, curiously, lacking.   After all the employees he’s had and all the business deals he’s made there is an unmistakable lack of criticism.  In fact, long term employees call him a strong and compassionate leader and say he has far more integrity and high moral standards than many people
And while it may surprise many, he’s actually humble when it comes to his generosity and kindness.  A good example is a story that tells of his limo breaking down on a deserted highway outside of New York City.  A middle-aged couple stopped to help him and as a thank you he paid off their mortgage, but he didn’t brag about that.  Generous people rarely talk of the charitable acts they bestow on others.

1776 COALITION 08/21/2015

State Department BlackBerry devices issued to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's aides Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin have likely been destroyed or sold off, the department said in a court filing on Wednesday. Mills and Abedin “were each issued... Read More


Panicked Kindergarten Teacher Immediately Starts Running As Sheer HORROR Appears on Playground

A kindergarten teacher in Georgia is being hailed by her community as a hero after her quick thinking brought about an end to a child abduction. Ginger Taylor, a teacher at Westside Elementary School in Valdosta, was recently honored by the Lowndes County Board of Education and Sheriff's Department, as well as by the standing-room-only crowd...
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JIHAD WATCH 08/21/2015

Pakistan Muslim leader exhorted Muslims to kill Hindus
By Robert Spencer on Aug 20, 2015 08:55 pm

Pakistan Muslim leader exhorted Muslims to kill Hindus
“During the interrogation following a lie-detector test, Naved told the National Investigation Agency (NIA) interrogators that Hafiz Saeed delivered motivational speeches to the recruits and exhorted them to kill Hindus in India.” But remember: to oppose this incitement to murder would be “Islamophobic.” “Hafiz Saeed visited training camps, motivated us to kill Hindus: Pak terrorist […]

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Uh-oh! More email troubles for Hillary
Hillary Clinton's email scandal is attracting judges like flies at a picnic.

Now another judge is stepping in, and the stone-wallers at the State Department have been given their marching orders ...
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