RENEW AMERICA 06/11/2015

June 11, 2015
NEWSMAX — The Fox Broadcasting Company will "spit in the face" of God-fearing conservatives if it airs its controversial new show "Lucifer," in which the devil ditches Hell for Los Angeles and opens a nightclub, says Alan Keyes, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations.... (more)

CHUCK KOLB 06/11/2015

Putin and the Pope - who advises who !!!

Previously posted ...
Soebarkah versus Israel - w Supreme Court !!!

 ★ ★ ★

Thanks - Alexandrian Librarian

Nibiru / Planet X - Important - Gulf Stream has Stopped !



"The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny." —James Madison, Federalist No. 47, 1788


FBI on Mass Shooting Report: Yeah, We Made It Up


Charlie Daniels Just Wrote Another ‘Hit’ – A Scorching Open Letter To ‘Lying,’ ‘Petulant’ Obama

Jun 11, 2015 02:43 pm

"Mr. President, it seems to me that you have little faith in American ingenuity, American capability, American exceptionalism and even American patriotism."
This post originally appeared on Western Journalism - Equipping You With The Truth

Read More and Comment: Charlie Daniels Just Wrote Another ‘Hit’ – A Scorching Open Letter To ‘Lying,’ ‘Petulant’ Obama


Pre-Jade Helm: Why is This State Planning for Massive Casualties?

CONTRIBUTOR: . HAWAII | Hawaii is preparing for massive casualties through the large scale exercise, Vigilant Guard 15. Complete with crisis actors, decontamination centers, and quarantine zones. In one scenario that played out, soldiers practiced treating casualties from a collapsed building as a fuel spill contaminated the area. Using the Campbell Industrial...



Last week marked the beginning of a journey that I believe will get our nation back on track. As I entered the hangar in Addison, Texas, and took the stage with a C-130 behind me, I was surrounded by people who share my unshakeable love for America and confidence that our nation’s greatness can be unleashed once again. I will work every day to earn your support and share my optimistic vision for the future of this country.

JIHAD WATCH 06/11/2015

Australia PM: Only effective defense against terror persuading people God doesn’t demand death to infidel
By Robert Spencer on Jun 11, 2015 01:17 am

Australia PM: Only effective defense against terror persuading people God doesn’t demand death to infidel
Abbott is right: the only effective defense against jihad terror will be to confront its ideology. I have no idea if Abbott himself realizes what this will entail, but it is encouraging at very least that he has enunciated this, which no other Western leader is willing to acknowledge. Obama, Cameron and the others all […]

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1. Key Vote YES on the Massie Amendment to End Warrantless Surveillance of Americans by Matt Kibbe
As one of our over 6.9 million FreedomWorks activists nationwide, I urge you to contact your representative and ask him or her to vote YES on the Massie/Lofgren/Sensenbrenner amendment to the Department of Defense Appropriations bill (H.R. 2685) that would end warrantless “backdoor” surveillance of Americans.
Section 702 of the FISA Amendments Act was written to only allow the government to collect the communications of foreigners, but a large quantity of American communications are scooped up with them. The Director of National Intelligence has admitted that once these communications – not metadata, but actual content – are collected, the government has searched through them for Americans’ content without a warrant. This amendment would prohibit this backdoor spying.  Read more here...

BEFORE IT'S NEWS 06/11/2015

The Third and Final Purpose of Jade Helm

CONTRIBUTOR: common sense. As long-time readers to this website will recall, I have been very consistent with regard to the sequencing of how this nation would be brought to its knees. A series of false flag events will take place that will lead to massive civil unrest/conflict. Martial law will...


GRASSTOPS USA 06/11/2015

"The mystery of government is not how Washington works
but how to make it stop." ~ P. J. O'Rourke
Not Fixing What Is Really Wrong
Paul Ryan On ObamaTrade: We Have To Pass It To You What's In It...

No joke... Paul Ryan just showed his elitist, establishment RINO colors and pulled a Nancy Pelosi

Read The Full Story

MUTH'S TRUTHS 06/11/2015

“Hammond Vouchers” will end government’s monopoly over education
Chuck Muth
June 11, 2015

About the only thing Republicans did right in the 2015 legislative session was to place a stake squarely over the heart of Nevada’s failure factories and took the first big whack at the public school monopoly that has been killing the futures of so many of our children for so many years.


Obama: ISIS is the Pentagon's Fault

Military officials are taking issue with the president's claim that he is waiting for a plan from the Pentagon to come up with a complete strategy to defeat ISIS.

"What the f-- was that," one pentagon official told Fox News. We have given him lots of options, he just hasn't ...More

1776 COALITION 06/11/2015

Hillary scratching backs while a Senator
Hillary Rodham Clinton’s efforts to provide favors to major donors to her husband’s global charity or her own political career stretch back far earlier than her tenure as America’s top diplomat, dating to the time she served as a U.S.... Read More


Jun 11, 2015 07:05 am  

By Dr. Susan Berry  
In a recent interview, Obama says fast-tracking the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade bill would help him advance his climate change agenda, which he said is “one of my highest priorities.” We must keep the pressure up on the GOP to kill the TPP!!!
Obama: Trade Bill Will Advance One of My Highest Priorities, Climate Change
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“Environmentalists” As Sleazy as a Chicago Politician

By Stephen Frank on Jun 10, 2015 08:13 pm
Want to find a crook? Go to government, crony capitalists or the infamous blackmailing, extortionist “environmental” organizations. These organizations use the courts to kill jobs, the economy and assure that manufacturers go overseas to produce, since it is too expensive to fight the corruption of the Leftist/Socialist environmentalist. They do not care about the environment, […]

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