Tuesday, August 4, 2015


1. Speaker Boehner - Stop the Dangerous Spending - by Ted Abram
Throughout the Obama reign and since Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) has been Speaker of the House, our national debt has increase by $2.678 trillion. Sadly, Boehner has repeatedly voted for spending increases during the Bush II and Obama presidencies. Recently, Logan Albright of FreedomWorks added up the staggering debt voted in favor by Rep. Boehner, which during the Bush II years Boehner voted to raise the debt limit in 2002, 2003, 2005, and 2008 for a total increase of $3,631 trillion.
What's worse is America’s debt is at least $18 trillion today, and Obama, Pelosi, Reid and most-likely Boehner are seeking to raise it again. Again? Read More here...

2. Over 75 Activists Rallied in Support of Rep. Mark Meadows in NC on Saturday
Over 75 local grassroots activists in North Carolina’s 11th Congressional District rallied on Saturday in support of their congressman, Rep. Mark Meadows, and his resolution to vacate John Boehner from the speakership. See more here...
3. It's Time For Justice Reform 
4. FreedomWorks At YALCON 2015 - by Remso Martinez
From July 29 to August 1, FreedomWorks went over to the Catholic University of America campus, whereYoung Americans for Liberty was hosting their 2015 annual national convention in the heart of Washington, DC. At the convention, several hundred liberty minded students, ranging from the ages of 17 to 25, descended onto our nations capital from every corner of our nation to learn, network, and discuss what they can do to help promote economic freedom and individual liberty in their lifetime.
During the event, FreedomWorks tabled at the convention hall where our staff dispersed tons of free pocket constitutions, bumper magnets, and other cool give-away items to help promote our organization, while talking one on one with the students about who we are as an organization and how they too can become a FreedomWorks activist and help promote liberty in their communities as well. Read more here...
5. ObamaCare's co-op programs aren't meeting enrollment goals, losing millions of dollars - by Jason Pye
When the so-called "public option" single-payer healthcare program was scrapped during the legislative "debate" over ObamaCare in 2009, lawmakers working on the bill created the Consumer Operated and Oriented Plan Program as a compromise. The non-profit co-op program is meant to compete with private, for-profit health insurance plans in the individual and small group markets. The 2010 healthcare law provided $3.4 billion in start-up funding to help get the program off the ground.
Well, the 23 op-ops that were subsequently created as a result of ObamaCare are in serious financial trouble, according to a new report from the Department of Health and Human Services' Office of the Inspector General. The audit found that 21 co-ops were losing money as of the end of 2014 and 13 are not meeting enrollment projections. These problems could put at risk the repayment of $2.4 billion in taxpayer-backed loans from the Department of Health and Human Services. Read more here...
6. Adam Brandon on Coast to Coast with Neil Cavuto

Iris Somberg
Press Secretary, FreedomWorks

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