Tuesday, August 12, 2014

FREEDOM WORKS 08/12/2014

1. Get the IRS Out of Our Health Care
Did you know that the IRS is in charge of enforcing and implementing ObamaCare?
Yeah, the same agency that was busted for unfairly targeting conservative and libertarian groups. Read more here...

2. Obama's Ex-Im Flip-Flop
It's amazing at times how flexible a politician's opinions may be. President Obama has provided his latest example of this political axiom with his recent statement on the U.S. Export-Import Bank.
Here's Candidate Obama in 2008:
"I am not a Democrat who believes that we can or should defend every government program just because it's there... the Export-Import Bank [has] become little more than a fund for corporate welfare."
Read more here...
3. Why the Threat of a Recession is Still Not Over
If you’ve been following the news recently, you might be convinced that the economy is in good shape. Economists typically define a recession as a period of two or more quarters of economic contraction. By this measure, the Great Recession officially ended in 2009. Since then, the economy has reportedly been recovering. The unemployment rate recently fell to 6.1% from its peak of 10%. Even more impressive, the Dow Jones Industrial Average has more than doubled since its trough in early 2009 from 6,547.05 to its present value around 16,500.
However, the attitude among many Americans is that the economy is still not doing so well. Economic confidence has remained low and the recovery has been more sluggish than any since the Great Depression. In fact, the economy is currently half way towards a recession again. During the first quarter of 2014, GDP contracted at 2.1%. If GDP were to contract next quarter, the American economy would technically be in a recession again. But, it does appear that GDP did increase by 4% during the second quarter or 2014—pending any revisions. Read more here...
4. ObamaCare Protest at NC Senator's Office
On Thursday, August 7, 32 North Carolina FreedomWorks activists gathered in Greensboro.  Over 35 activists from 8 counties enjoyed good food and great conversation while writing letters to Senator Kay Hagan and making protest signs about ObamaCare.  Activists then traveled to Senator Hagan's main office in Greensboro to meet with staff and host a protest out front on the busy street.
Activists met with two Hagan staffers, with the focus being the role of the Internal Revenue Service in ObamaCare and the ObamaCare insurance company bailouts.  One activist, who contacts Senator Hagan's office on an often weekly basis, shared that she had recently received letters saying that her children's life saving medications would no longer be covered by insurance when it previously was. Read more here...
5. Which is More Unpopular: President Obama or ObamaCare
It’s becoming a horse race to see which is more unpopular President Obama or his health care plan.
At this point, it appears ObamaCare is winning the unpopularity race but it’s real close.
A recent NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll pegged Obama with a 40 percent approval rating but according to the Kaiser Health Tracking Poll for July, the president’s heath care plan had only 37 percent favorable rating with a significant 53 percent rating ObamaCare as unfavorable. Read more here...
6. FreedomWorks University Civil Liberties: "In Your Car"
Being pulled over by a policeman can be an intimidating experience, even when you haven't done anything wrong. That's why it's important to know what rights you have in your own car. In this second installment of FreedomWorks University's video series on Civil Liberties, we'll show you that there's no reason to be afraid - as long as you know the law and take the proper steps to defend your freedoms from the Man. Watch here...
In Liberty,
Jackie Bodnar
Director of Communications, FreedomWorks

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