Submitted by: James
Obama says, "Man is the cause of climate change," then lays the blame on fossil fuels. He is hiding reality!
Rosalind Peterson Confirms Chemtrails/Geoengineering/SRM
Are Very real.
you are still in doubt that them lines in the sky are chemtrails or
that the milky haze which lingers all day is NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT,
then you are very mistaken
This is PROOF 100% Real.
Please watch and share.
Comment of James T: This is the best I have ever seen that gives credibility to the life killing Chemtrails that have been being dispensed for the past 15 or so years.. and no Claude, this is not a photo shop trick... It is a NWO government plot fueled by the Banksters and supported by both Republicans, Democrats, Fox, CNN, ABC, NBC..... etc... and Justice dept.... using "black hole money" that has mysteriously disappeared from our government coffers and yes, we the people are paying for our own demise.. "I guess it is good for evil rulers that people do not think..." Yes, this is the plan for you, your family and all Americans that you have denied.. My challenge for you would be to go to the Conservative political candidate of your choice and ask them about Chemtrails.. Watch them stutter and stammer and lie to your face... Geo Engineering is a deceptive ploy to reduce our food supply, infect the people with poisonous chemicals and ultimately reduce the world population as per the United Nation Population Control program .... There are no more conspiratorial theories or nuts ... only what is true... I will say it again and again... """it is easier to fool someone than to convince them that they have been fooled....""""" America, Come apart and be a separate and chosen people for truth, freedom and justice.... AmericAwake JT