Sunday, March 23, 2014


Dear Patriot,

The last thing on this planet that anyone should have to worry about is water, and yet over 1 BILLION people have no access to clean, drinkable water.
And the problem is just getting worse.
Access to clean water is dwindling world-wide, and of course it's the rich elite that is the cause.

The facts say that 95% of the world’s cities still dump raw sewage into their water supplies - 95%! Yet it's common sense that tells you that the ones RESPONSIBLE for creating that raw sewage aren’t honest tax-payers who have our trash hauled to the dump.
It’s those “too big to fail” types sipping Evian while off-loading their trash into your drinking water. They make boat-loads of money because paying lawyers to find loop-holes is cheaper than simply cleaning up their own mess.
So what can you do about it? Plenty.
Now I’m not saying you can change the world mind you. But you CAN at least make sure that if where you are suddenly loses access to clean water that you can at least purify the water you have for yourself, and for those under your protection.
It doesn’t cost tons of money either, and unlike a lot of survival methods, this isn’t purifying only enough water just to drink. With this system, you can purify up to 170 gallons EACH DAY - enough to make sure that you have water to drink, to cook with, and to clean yourself with.
After, why bathe in toxic water if you can do this?
Don’t wait until a crisis hits to figure out how to get access to purified water. You’ve seen the riots and shortages result in a crisis. People are animals.
Human beings plan ahead though, and now is the perfect time to get started.
Stay Vigilant,
Sam Chapman,
Managing Editor

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