Sunday, December 22, 2013


The End of Childhood in the Era of the Emerging American Police State
It wouldn’t be a week in America without another slew of children being punished for childish behavior under the regime of zero tolerance which plagues our nation’s schools. Here are some of the latest incidents.
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The War on Rich White Men
I heard a knock on the door of my hotel room. It was Donald. “Turn on Megyn Kelly. She is reporting about an MSNBC commentator’s claim that using the term “Obamacare” is the same as calling him the N word.”
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‘Muslim in Chief’
If you thought the U.N. International Baccalaureate and federal No Child Left Behind educational schemes were bad enough, you might want to look a little deeper.
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You Will Be Made to Care
A nation founded by pilgrims seeking out religious freedom, and the chance to worship the God of the Bible without interference from big government or persecution from the culture, has now come full circle.
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CHUCK KOLB 12/22/2013

Previously posted ...
PUTIN Grand Slams U.S. Gay Gov't - Just Ducky !!!

Premiere - The Father of Lights - The Great Creator !!!

And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.
And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they
were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy,
which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
Luke 2:8-11 KJV


Submitted by: J

Disabled Military Retirees Betrayed By Gutless Republicans


This week, the Senate voted across party lines to pass a bill that would reduce the cost of living adjustment (COLA) for military retirees, including disabled retirees and survivors. The Washington Free Beacon reported that a provision in the Ryan-Murray budget agreement no longer exempts disabled retirees and survivors. The original agreement stated that “This would not affect service members who retired because of disability or injury.” After the bill passed the House, the new summary removed the exemption granted to disabled retirees and survivors. It would be too easy to accuse just one party of this chicanery; for remember, this was a bipartisan effort endorsed by Mr. Obama.


Submitted by: J

U.S. Army Briefing Tells Soldiers That Christians And Tea Party Members Are A Threat To The Nation


He Betrayed You. He Insulted You. And Now It's Time To Dump The Weepy John Boehner As Speaker of the House!

Boehner Weeping     Patriotic Americans are still smarting from the latest betrayal. It only took John Boehner and Mitch McConnell a matter of days to railroad an Obama-approved  "budget deal" through both Houses of Congress and then insult you for daring to oppose it.

     It was a "budget deal" that guaranteed that ObamaCare will be fully-funded for the next two years... it was a "budget deal" that increased out-of-control Obama spending... and it was a "budget deal" that cut retirement benefits to the brave men and women in uniform who dedicated their lives to protecting this great nation.

     And, it was no "deal." It was an unconditional surrender, and in exchange for agreeing to these terms of surrender, the American people got NOTHING IN RETURN, apart from INSULTS from Mr. Boehner; and that's why it's time to send a message to John Boehner and those who may be willing to challenge him: You've lost all credibility... you've lost the confidence of the American people... and it's time for you to go.

COWBOYBYTE 12/22/2013

Cracker Barrel pulls ‘Duck Dynasty’ merchandise

More duck problems. Check this out: Cracker Barrel said it pulled some Duck Dynasty merchandise from its stores over concerns it might offend guests, a move that infuriated thousands of customers and confused many others. “We removed selected products which … Continue reading

Top Cowboy Headlines


Dear Conservatives,
The vote to break cloture on Janet Yellen's nomination to succeed Ben Bernanke is scheduled to take place tin a matter of hours. You and I demanded a vote on Audit the Fed to move forward on the nomination.   

But Harry Reid is still refusing to budge on scheduling a vote on my Audit the Fed bill (S. 209) unless Republicans also give him a slew of other Obama nominees as well.

Of course, this is a mess Harry Reid started.

First he rammed through a rules change, breaking Senate rules to do so.  

Then he rammed through a terrible budget deal.

Now he is desperately trying to clear out a huge lost of nominations before Christmas.

I am standing firm.    No vote on Audit the Fed, no giving an inch on nominees.

NEWS WITH VIEWS 12/22/2013

December 22, 2013
A new 9/11 revelation - cover up continues
While America has been focused on Christmas shopping, parties and the Duck Dynasty controversy, a new revelation about 9/11 slipped quietly past the notice of not only the American people, but every major "news" outlet from the "Big 3" to all the cable networks (FOX, CNN & MSNBC) who to this day are enablers of the U.S. government's blatant lies about 9/11. After all, we have to remember this......
by Devvy Kidd
The Coming Battle
Click on the banner and order this historic masterpiece
A Tale of Christmas Past and Present
Do you really believe that if churches were effectively doing their jobs we would be aborting babies like they are yesterday’s trash?  Not if we were as honest as Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty and publicly stated our opinions.  Do you really believe that honest-to-God Christians would elect to public office those who perpetrate tyranny upon us?  Would real Christians vote for the largely corrupted trash we have representing us in Washington, D.C. today?.........
by Marilyn Barnewall


Submitted by: Ron Branson - VICTORY USA

Just when you think they couldn't be dumber, they say something like this. 
Dianne Feinstein:
"All vets are mentally ill !"
Quote of the day by Dianne Feinstein..........

Dianne Feinstein: "All vets are mentally ill in some way and government should prevent them from owning firearms!"
Yep, - she really said it on Thursday in a meeting in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee...and the quote below from the LA Times is priceless. Sometimes even the L.A. Times gets it right.


Dear Conservatives,

On Friday, the majority of the Senate voted to proceed on Janet Yellen’s confirmation to become the next Federal Reserve Chair.

Harry Reid may have won round one in the battle to confirm Janet Yellen without holding a Senate vote on Audit the Fed (S. 209), but the war is far from over.

And your action is making a major difference!

In fact, while 59 Senators voted for cloture on Yellen, that is far fewer than the 77 who voted for cloture on President Obama's renomination of “Helicopter Ben” Bernanke in 2009!

The motion only passed because of Reid’s continuing refusal to respect the rules of the Senate, which require 60 votes to limit debate on nominations.

Friday’s action sets up the final passage vote on Yellen’s nomination. 

But if we can convince only 10 senators to change sides, we can block Yellen's confirmation until Harry Reid finally allows the Senate to vote on Audit the Fed.


"Is America In the Grip of Cowardice?"
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues.
© Copyright Sunday, December 22, 2013 - All Rights Reserved
As published on Newswithviews, December 18, 2013
This article is also available on our website at:
We want to wish each one of our readers a very special Christmas holiday with friends and family, at a time of giving and love, as well as the religious celebration it was designed to be for 150 years. 
This will be our last article for the year 2013.  We will take up the torch of freedom starting on the first Sunday of January, 2014.  In the interim, we encourage you to take the time to visit our two websites that are dedicated to the protection of our property rights ( and to exposing the arrogance, fraud, abuse and corruption of the IRS (  Each website contains a wealth of valuable information and not just for rural landowners, or disgruntled taxpayers.

“There are those that recognize a wrong and act to right it.  There are those who "see" the wrong, but do nothing.  But unfortunately there are way too many of those who don’t "see" anything at all.”      Ron Ewart


Submitted by: Lady Byrd

The citizens of Israel woke up this week to a special early morning announcement by the Israeli Army on news broadcasts all across the country: The Ministry of Defense has ordered that all soldiers staying in Jerusalem over the Sabbath are not allowed to have any contact with members of the sect of Jews who preach faith in Yeshua (Jesus).

Is faith in Yeshua such a threat to our national security that one of the most effective military organizations in the world feels the need to “protect” its soldiers from this “sect of Jews”?

It all started when a small group of Messianic Jews visited a hostel for lone soldiers in Jerusalem over the Sabbath. The army provides the hostel for soldiers who have no family in Israel. On the weekends, when they are off base, they can stay at “Beit Hachayal,” or Soldiers’ House. A group of Messianic Israelis were visiting soldiers at this particular Beit Hachayal on the Sabbath and talking about their New Testament faith.

Many soldiers enjoyed these visits, and some began reading the New Testament and other Messianic literature regularly. Soldiers were invited to visit with Messianics in their homes, where they were introduced to Messianic faith during Sabbath meals and Bible teachings.


Submitted by: Lady Byrd

How The Coming Cashless Society Will Allow Unprecedented Government Control Over Your Life
Econgularity, shorthand for economic singularity, is an ugly word I created to describe an unfortunate approaching moment in time when our current technological snooping prowess, the ease of big data manipulation and our sprint to a cashless economy will converge. This will happen in such a way as to permit governments to exercise incredibly powerful control over all human behavior.

While this may sound like a paranoid doomsday scenario to some, as a real world finance professional, I believe that this scenario is not only eminently possible, but most of the technology is already available — albeit not yet fully marshaled — to frighteningly make it reality.

Technological advances have led to the creation of algorithms that can instantaneously review financial transactions, determining the nature, location and even the appropriateness of a purchase decision. These have been freely used by credit- and debit-card companies.


Submitted by: Lady Byrd

A leading earthquake expert has issued a dire warning to Californians about the expected impact of a major disruption to the San Andreas fault line.

The title of Dr. Lucy Jones’ lecture this week to the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco was titled “Imagine America without Los Angeles.”

As KCAL9′s Dave Bryan reports, Jones, a Science Advisor for Risk Reduction at the U.S. Geological Survey, says when the “Big One” hits Southern California, the damage could be much greater, and could last much longer, than most of us ever imagined.

“Loss of shelter, loss of schools, loss of jobs and emotional hardship. We are risking the ends of our cities,” she said during the presentation.

JIHAD WATCH 12/22/2013

Dec 21, 2013 12:58 pm | Robert Spencer
"Allah has bought from the believers their selves and their possessions against the gift of Paradise; they fight in the way of Allah; they kill, and are killed..." (Qur'an 9:111) "Jihadi Cleric Omar Bakri Defends Anti-Hizbullah, Anti-Iran Suicide Bombings," from MEMRI, n.d.: In a TV interview, Syrian-born Islamist cleric...

Dec 21, 2013 12:42 pm | Robert Spencer
Shhh! Don't talk about this! You might disrupt the "dialogue"! "New Rash of Church Closings Sweeps Across Indonesia," by Ryan Morgan for International Christian Concern, December 19 (thanks to Pamela Geller): 12/19/2013 Indonesia (International Christian Concern) - I watched as the pastor began to cry, tears welling up in...


Submitted by: BobJen

To: The National MiddleClass Network
These columns are not necessarily our views; more in fairness to both sides.
This is crafted to QuickScan to bottom; Then go back and get into what you like.
From: John..."...and put these NewsBriefers in a folder to use them later, as needed".
Btw, we have IP issues. So, to be removed, just ask. So far, those so requesting are virtually zero. Thanks.
National MiddleClass Network DAILY NewsBriefer - 12-22-13
Note: This is a "DAILY" Newsbriefer. "If you DON'T see one DAILY, say something". THX

And don't forget the last newsbrief at the end......especially.

MAJOR ALERT!!! From: CommieBlaster...Senate Passes NDAA 2014, Obama to Sign
From: Jeff k...Unsurprisingly, there is little hope that President Obama will fail to sign this into law. Under the new and “improved” NDAA, I’m a belligerent for writing this, and you’re a belligerent for reading this. God help you if you email someone about it or share it on Facebook. We’re all going to be busted as belligerents under this one. See you at Gitmo or the FEMA camps!
From: Freedom Outpost......
House & Senate Quietly Passes Bigger & Badder 2014 NDAA