Tuesday, May 28, 2013


by Lee S Gliddon Jr

We have watched as the Left, led by Barack Obama, wasted 2 years passing and enacted the Affordable Health care Act only to learn our worse warnings were true!

Obama said, and Democrat Senators and Congressmen and women parroted his words, "if you like your Health Plan nothing will change to get you off it, you will be able to keep your preferred doctor."

True only if you want to pay double for the right to do so!

Many of the strongest proponents of the Affordable Health Care act now honestly identify it as, "the worse train wreck imaginable." Unions supported this dastardly piece of Legislation and now demand it's repeal!

Then came Operation Fast and Furious. Guns were allowed to be bought by 'straw purchasers' and sent into Mexico. When this came to light both Obama and his chosen Attorney General, Eric Holder, claimed to have, "no knowledge of any such happenings whatever." Although knowledge was had by Holder his lie continued and Congress knows it as does any sane American citizen. As if Obama is 'hell bent' on hiding the truth about Operation Fast and Furious he declared, through Holder, "information about what was known is privileged communication.

Other smaller actions were brought to the nation's attention with Obama speaking out in justification on each with his Leftist minions echoing his assertions. The Stimulus Act, Solyndra, Nationalization of GM, and other horrendous wasteful spending ensued.

Then the GOP fell for another of Obama's zany ideas. In order to continue his mad spending spree Obama had his minions sell Congress on the thought of Sequester as a method of National Debt Reduction. This has proven to be a lie as Obama merely uses the inconveniences of any attempts to curtail spending as 'smoke screens to hide the facts as to the personal use of spending our tax dollars on anything he chooses while claiming inconveniences are due to the GOP refusing to go along with the waste he wants.

September 11, 2012, a day to commemorate the horror sustained by the U.S.A. in 2001.  Although the Embassy in Libya had plead for more security, only to be refused, our Benghazi outpost was attacked. As a National Election was underway and campaigning was primary on Obama's calendar he could not be bothered with such an occurrence. Rather then Presiding, as he had been elected to do, Obama chose to hide the entire truth and have his lackeys do what they do best; they parroted lies fed to them and claimed to, "know nothing," about the truth of the attack. Like 'good soldiers' his appointed Secretaries claimed to be, "totally unaware," of any news related to the event.

Unlike the events of Watergate, which brought President Nixon to resign, there were 4 deaths to Americans due to the Benghazi attack.

Sworn testimony allows us to know, "Obama was told of the attack in progress," and that is that!

To this very day we remain unaware of Obama's whereabouts during the attack, but do know that he was present at a campaign event the very next day!

As if the lies told to cover-up the Benghazi attack to Citizens were not enough, Obama went before the UN and told the same lies to the whole world!

Everyone knew of the Left leaning Senators and Congresspeople telling the IRS to, "look into the Tea Party and any Conservative group claiming tax exempt status."   President Obama had to be the 'only person in the U.S.' not to know of this!

Guess what?

You guessed it! Obama made the claim of total unawareness!

Finally the AP investigation was brought to light. As if that wasn't bad enough we learned that the DOJ was employing the same tactics brought to bear against AP were brought to bear on a FOX News reporter and FOX news itself!

In his usual manner Obama claims, "I had no idea this was happening!' His AG claimed to have no knowledge about any of this, but it was later learned, he was an active participant!

To make the point I wish to make allow me to make myself blatantly clear.
Not only is it time to impeach Obama, it is also time to fire AG Holder and fire everyone who participated in the Fast and Furious Operation cover-up, the Benghazi cover-up, the IRS affair, and the AP/FOX affair.

There are other culpable men and women who must share the blame. However, as they are Elected Officials, some in the House of Representatives and in the U.S. Senate they must be shamed by NOT GAINING REELECTION!

It is now time to clean house and it all starts with cleaning it from Top to Bottom!


  1. Comment from Sandra: We are in total agreement with you, sir!


  2. Comment of Suzanne: I do believe Obama should definitely be removed, for he is our illegal president. Charges of Treason should be brought against him immediately and then removed and then Presidency declared Null and Void resolving all Laws, mandates, executive orders be classified as null and void along with Obama's presidency and all of his appointees therefore removed from their said position.

    God bless our America.


  3. Comment of Walter Fitzpatrick: OBAMA is not protected by the Impeachment process. Only legitimate office holders rate that.

    OBAMA can be arrested and tried just like you and I. And the top charge is for TREASON.

  4. Comment of BobJen: The below is what we told Don Hank and others from our NewsBriefer yesterday..and to which many others agree. But if you feel it's worth the USA-ending risk, have it; no one has yet shown us any reason why it's a swift move. In fact, like many, "Jimmy" says it will only result in his acquittal. We agree.
    Comment: I have virtually never disagreed with the Good Dr, Keyes on related issues. And many know that, right now, we are ripping el rushbo for running the flatulent, lying Rubio Amnesty Bill Ads during his show...for which we presume he is making tons of money. In this, however, I disagree with both.
    Some say, "impeachment is impossible". With that I disagree. Impeachment is very possible IF the goal of the RINOS and dem Lefties is to dismiss the charges, thus giving Mr. Obama full "Congressional" (though not Constitutional) legitimacy. So, as Rushie says "wasted effort"?...No way, depends whose side your on. However, "impeachment" (basically the pressing of charges) "TO CONVICTION" will NEVER happen. Even Nixon wasn't convicted; he resigned. And only those who sophomorically think that Mr. Obama is THE entity behind all that's happening will be smacking their lips at that prospect. To all the rest, what is gained if he too resigns to avoid conviction? On the other hand, what is lost as nothing changes?
    Impeachment: Rush is wrong this time Alan Keyes
