Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Submitted by: Joan Biz


The following covers the latest development-to-become the legacy of the Socialist in Charge and his IRS miscreants who not only targeted American Patriots, constitutionalists, the military and Pentagon high staff, 2nd Amendment rights advocacy, conservative media and those critical of his unworkable monstrosity Obamacare - but also anti-abortion Catholic organizations and pro-Israel Jewish 501(c)3 groups. The targeting of these organizations and individuals is three years ongoing, the machination of a deliberate, systemic, selective, punishing and widespread political thuggery reminiscent of East Germany's Stasi and their freezing interrogation rooms.

The Internal Revenue sent certain groups and individuals intrusive and improper questionnaires filled with non-tax-related questions asking personal questions about family and friends and lifestyles. These questionnaires were as thick as phone books. Other taxpayers were hounded with intrusions
with absolutely no relation to tax issues from the FBI, BATF, Office of Labor Relations, Department of Health, and other government agencies  What we can reasonably conclude is that Obama's Enemies were, are, and will be the targets of an encircling military campaign style multi-pronged attack to keep them off balance, inactive, and in a subservient role until the next election and the elections after those. In other words, these co-ordinated, al Q'aeda-like terrorist attacks have become the modus operandi of this administration and the American People - THE PEOPLE - have a great deal to be concerned about.

The Wall Street Journal timeline is appended:   

For example, David Horowitz' FRONTPAGE was audited for Discover the Networks and The Freedom Group that exposes in painful detail the finances and connections of Left International, Solidarity and the other anti-freedom organizations. These audits, freeze on applications for 501c's (which are worse than outright denials of the petitions because there is nothing in law the frozen out can do about it), resulted in hog-tying conservative and libertarian groups and the conservative media attempting to inform the electorate; and other groups too, mobilizing and organizing to finance their constituency for the two elections that were upcoming. Which, incidentally, the Republicans had lost for the reasons we now better understand and for the reasons you will understand as you read on.

Two wealthy businessmen who "DIDN'T BUILD THAT" among others who had donated $1 million or more to Mitt Romney's campaign were audited. For example, Sheldon Adelson for 2009, the very year The Messiah was seated. These audits are still ongoing and fruitless. Adelson was found with no wrongdoing.

Major GOP donor Sheldon Adelson scrutinized by IRS

Another two of Obama's nemesis' targeted; Frank Vander Sloot, a wealthy businessman who was NEVER before audited and Hal Scherz, a doctor critical of the train wreck Obamacare, who was never before audited!

GOP donor Frank Vander Sloot targeted by IRS
"Case in point, Frank Vander Sloot, his business, and his wife were all audited by the IRS for the first time after Vander Sloot donated in excess of $1 million to the Mitt Romney campaign for president. Vander Sloot was audited for the first time ever last June." 
Vander Sloot was found with no wrongdoing.
"Additionally, Hal Scherz, a doctor from Georgia, claims that even though nothing had changed on his federal income tax return, he was audited after going public with his criticism of President Barack Obama’s “Affordable Care Act” which is commonly referred to as Obamacare." 
Scherz was found with no wrongdoing.
To fully understand the depth of the depravityand illegality we are facing and the dangers to global stability and the future; for everything we understood about the nature of our great nation, we must recognize that the Founding and Freedom - YES, I SAID THE DASTARDLY WORD - are now threatened to their very core. This issue goes beyond mere politics. It deals with a comprehensive and organized ideological attack on the First and Second Amendments of the Bill of Rights by extreme ideology doing what it has done before - historically - to make resistance futile. They're doing it to all the other amendments too, so before you sit back and say "we can't do anything," you'd better think again. Greece and Kenya maybe can't do anything. YES, WE AMERICANS CAN!

It started in Cincinnati.

Cincinnati, for the geographically challenged, happens to be in Ohio.

Ohio, for the politically challenged, happens to be a battleground state.

From Cincinnati the problem radiated first to other battleground states and then to "dangerous individuals" across America. "Dangerous individuals" - aka, domestic terrorists - meant: returning veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan; people who call themselves Patriots, or Good Americans, Sons and Daughters of Liberty,and Constitutionalists. These people are racists who cite subversive words such as "The People" and "Freedom." They are people who believe wrongly that we are a nation of laws, not of men, and do more than pay lip service to that idea. Others targeted include anti-Obamacare pundits - meaning the kind of miscreants who might have, in a thoughtless moment, put VOTE ROMNEY signs on their front lawns; anti-abortionists and 2nd Amendment rights activists who erroneously think you need more than seven rounds to keep three home invaders 
at bay and understand that an AR is not a military weapon.

One DATA MINED concept extracted from the reams of Internet and published words that can trigger the targeting of groups or individuals are the words "I want to make America a Better Place." Since this sentence will appear on your screen, we, all 6000 of you, are now all targeted. Never mind that this email will cross the globe within seconds.

Incidentally, leftwing liberal groups MoveOn, HuffPo, Think Progress, Media Matters and others like-kind were spared entirely from IRS targeting, stonewalling, examinations and audits, and the withholding of approving petitions for 501(c)3 applications. 
Planned Parenthood, pro-abortion rights and LBGT gay rights groups, leftwing Christian churches and others of a similar nature were not targeted and not a single one was audited. While liberal pundits in a co-ordinated blitz in the MSM claim that 85% of applications were from conservatives, that figure likely came from the same sources that still tell the world that there were not WMD in Iraq and Bush Stole the 2000 ElectionIf anyone reading this lives in an Afghan cave and still believes that utter crock, I refer them to the first two paragraphs of WIKIPEDIAhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bush_v._Gore

n astute FOX pundit noted: "If stupidity were a crime, the whole staff of MSNBC would have gotten the death penalty a long time ago."

I think the man was in a Fast& Furious frame of mind thinking about dead border patrol agents, Benghazigate and four dead Americans, You Tube parodies that no one in Libya about to launch an RPG at Americans saw, and various other cover ups to protect The One's re-election  chances - and likely after that he had read an article in the Associated Press about reporters who were wiretapped and are Fast and Furiously p'd off about it; and likely after that he was audited by the IRS himself because of his email list, his ammo purchases and subversive mindset, leather-bound Bible in his night table, and that errant lawn sign. He's just become a beneficiary of the Skinny Kenyan's Enemies List.

As I see it, no one died at Watergate except a huge chunk of American Liberty, and Nixon had nothing to do with it, John Dean everything to do with it; while today things have changed for the better as a kick-to-the-balls Chicago mobster was given the authority to handcuff and disable his opponents with large government thuggery and MSM Fairy Tales to prevent them from organizing and raising funds to mount a national campaign. And the Don can do it by using the sword and might and the merciless terrorism of agents of the Federal Government as his own private "made men" army.

Taxpayer funded to boot.

Can it get any better than this?


The Skinny Kenyan told the nation when Fast&Furious first erupted that "I'll look into it." The MSMs on the other hand had never heard of taxpayer-government-funded and approved gunrunning to Mexican drug gangs anyway, or of Eric Holder the gunrunner; and never bothered to report it even after 3000 Undocumented Democrats still living in Mexico were murdered.

And nothing happened.

The Skinny Kenyan told the nation about Benghazigate and dead Americans the day after and said "I'll look into it" -- and eight months afterward as the MSMs again failed to cover the issue, BAM's spokesman Jay Carney told the nation that obviously it's really not that important because no one looked into it, he meant the MSMs, and "That was a long time ago."

And nothing happened. But Carney will look into it.
Sort of like he looked into it the last eight months.

When the AP story broke recently the Skinny Kenyan said "I'll look into it" -- and a few days later we find that the IRS has been targeting for three yearsconservatives, anti-abortion Catholics and pro--Israel Jews in a deliberate, widespread and systemic attack for mindlessly having mentioned words such as: constitution, freedom, Second Amendment, pro-Life, Zionism, and Solyndra. None of these triggers on the AP's or MSM's radar ever appeared until it was they who were wiretapped and targeted - at which point they wrapped themselves in the American Flag and the US Constitution. And because they have done that, Al Sharpton and Chris Matthews can be expected to declare AP and the MSM "racists!" Or domestic terrorists.

The Skinny Kenyan said it's a terrible thing and "mistakes were made" that his Obamabots did this to the American people in his behalf (wink,wink) so "I'll look into it."

Maybe eight months down the road he'll look into it if he remembers it.


Obama told the nation: Mistakes were made.
Jay Carney, presidential spokesman, told the nation: Mistakes were made.
The IRS spokesman who was in charge told the Senate subcommittee last week: Mistakes were made.
The Mainstream Media told the nation: Mistakes were made.
They also insisted that "some of these IRS people were appointed by Bush," whom, 
they reminded us every day for eight years, made plenty of mistakes...

...and the MSMs didn't tell the nation that the specific people involved targeting innocent Americans for their beliefs were appointed by Obama and not Bush, for the specific purpose to target Obama's enemies; and if you don't believe me then explain why their jobs consisted of targeting Obama's enemies.

In any event, we all know, they all know, that mistakes were made.
Years ago my mother said while looking at me with sad eyes over dinner: Mistakes were made. My wife and my sister and all my girlfriends in my youth said the very same thing. Mistakes were made. My friends ditto'd it all.

The only question we are left with is to identify the mistakes the mistakes made by themselves.

In other words, without human intervention.
The mistakes happened by themselves like spontaneous combustion with no organizing principle and orders from the pens or mouths of living organisms. The mistakes just happened sort of like a natural disaster - which they certainly were - the predictable result considering the mindset of the Skinny Kenyan'sfollowers. It had to  have happened, and even if it could in no way happen in this country, it would happen anyway.

In this country.

As for "looking into it," Obama promised he'll look into it.
The media that continues to cover up at least two of the three scandals that parroted BAM's narrative for five years, issues that did not affect them, will also look into it.
After they had unwrapped the American Flag and the Constitution they had wrapped around themselves, as a response to the AP attack, that is.
Sometime after Hillary gets re-elected.
And Hillary will look into it.
After she gets re-elected.
And Eric Holder will look into it.
After Hillary appoints him a plum job and Obama goes back to the Hawaii Plantation on Penny Pritzer's dime after he had looked into it and smiled a big wide grin as he swings that punt.

They're still looking into it, into them, all the scandals and soon to be new scandals we are yet unaware of, but expect this:

Eight months down the road Jay Carney will appear at the podium to tell the nation:

"That was a long time ago."

- The Editor

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