Sunday, February 10, 2013


URGENT: Unshakeable Rep. Steve King (R-IA) introduced H.R. 140, the Birthright Citizenship Act of 2013 to AMEND the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act to end the practice of granting automatic U.S. citizenship to all children born (or claimed to have been born) in the United States – regardless of proof or the legal status of the child's parents.
If passed, to consider a person born in the United States "subject to the jurisdiction" of the United States for citizenship persons, the individual must be born in the United States of parents, one of whom is: (1) a U.S. citizen or national; (2) a lawful permanent resident alien; or (3) an active service member of our armed forces.
And not even Barack Obama will be able to talk his way around it…
So far H.R. 140 has 20 total sponsors – but 20 is nowhere near enough to get this critical bill passed as LAW!

The Pew Hispanic Center reports that approximately 350,000 U.S. births each year – 8% of America's total annual live births –are from families with at least one illegal immigrant parent, while more than 4 million U.S.-born foreign children were already here in 2008.
Not only is this legislation vital to turning off the magnet for foreign illegal immigrants or those planning their visits around due dates for the convenient automatic U.S. citizenship (and visa perks for family members), it isessential to securing America as a sovereign nation with a competitive voting constituency and NOT a captive future Democrat voting base!
But the ramifications of passing this bill go even further…
You see, such legislation will prevent the next Barack Obama – the man who was RE-ELECTED by hook and by crook, through corruption, fraud and propaganda despite the impossibility of determining whether or not his citizenship and allegiance is of and to the United States, to Indonesia, Kenya or Great Britain – or indeed to global governance by a New World Order and perhaps a worldwide Islamic Caliphate!
Despite years of concerted effort – even a criminal probe from Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his volunteer Cold Case Posse experts – America has been unable to ascertain Barack Obama's without-a-doubt citizenship one way or another.
Of course, if Obama would unseal his personal records and stop blocking in court every citizen's and every military subordinate's effort to establish his eligibility to be occupying the Oval Office as Commander in Chief, this crisis would be instantly resolved. But Barack Hussein Obama absolutely will not!
The U.S. Constitution mandates that a president must be a "natural born citizen" – or born to two U.S. citizens, as the phrase was understood by our Founding Fathers. And no one – not even Obama nor the Democratic Party of Florida – has confirmed or been able to confirm that Obama is a "natural born citizen" – in more than FOUR YEARS of non-stop litigation!
There is no doubt our Founding Fathers intended to avoid such a 'conflict of interest' where an American president may be inclined by custom or affection to sympathize with and take actions benefiting foreign interests rather than our own. One such example is Barack Obama's Muslim upbringing in INDONESIA, where evidence of nothing less than INDONESIAN citizenship for the current occupant of the White House has surfaced, further muddling the picture of his American identity. His empathetic pro-Islamic foreign policy approach in the Middle East that puts Muslim radicals in power and secretly arms the jihadists seems to support the wisdom of the Founders.
It's known for a fact that Barack Hussein Obama lived in Indonesia with his mother and Muslim stepfather from the impressionable ages 6 to 10, when he was registered in a local primary school AS AN INDONESIAN CITIZEN AND A MUSLIM.
At that time, he went by the name of Barry Soetoro – the surname of his Indonesian stepfather.
His mother's passport listed him with the surname Soebarkah.
IF Obama was adopted by his Indonesian stepfather and his U.S. citizenship was surrendered, his eligibility to be president according to Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution is COMPROMISED.
But as of yet, WE THE PEOPLE have been unable to shame Obama into releasing his vital records and setting the record straight. That's why we MUST stand up together and demand an investigation to help uncover the truth. That's why we MUST stand in support of H.R. 140 to clarify birthright citizenship laws.
And then there's the matter of Barack Obama's alleged father, a KENYAN native and a subject of the British Crown because Kenya was still an African colony subject to the 1948 British Nationality Act. This Act made Obama Sr. a British citizen/subject when he was born in the English colony of Kenya.
Under the same law at birth, regardless of where he was born, Obama also became a British citizen/subject by descent from his British father.
Article II of the U.S. Constitution CLEARLY states "Natural Born Citizenship" as an eligibility requirement to be president of the United States.
"Natural Born Citizen" as defined in U.S. Constitution, Article II, Section 1, Clause 5; U.S. v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649 (1898) and Perkins v. Elg, 307 U.S. 325 (1939) requires being born in the U.S. mainland AND that both parents are U.S. citizens. Section 1 of our 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution – as detailed in the same cases – requires at least one parent to be a U.S. citizen born or naturalized, to be born in the U.S. or to be naturalized in order to be considered a "citizen" simply.
More confusing still is that thanks to the constant scrutiny and investigation that citizens have been obliged to take up in the wake of officialdom's massive failures, we've discovered we are not even sure Obama Sr. IS Barack Obama's father – as significant evidence has raised the alarm Jr's father could be none other than Communist Frank Marshall Davis!
Still, even with the lawsuits' efforts and evidence gathered by the Cold Case Posse – WE DO NOT HAVE ANSWERS to these very basic questions about the President of the United States!
Making matters even worse, evidence unearthed by the Cold Case Posse revealed that Obama could have been born ANYWHERE and still have obtained a certificate of live birth (COLB) from the Hawaiian Department of Health, by having an adult claim he was born in Hawaii and entitled to the assumed citizenship that goes right along with it.
In 1955, revised federal laws made registering births compulsory with Hawaii accepting unsworn and unverified testimony, no questions asked.
In 1982, Hawaii legalized codifying out-of-state and foreign births as Hawaiian births if parents were legal, taxpaying residents of the state of Hawaii because a larger population meant more government funds and more employees.
Any adult, as long as he or she could show proof the parents were legal residents and paid income tax in Hawaii, could claim a child birth in Hawaii (even their own) in order to get a Hawaiian birth certificate and effectively bypass the official process of becoming a U.S. Citizen.
This means that even if an "original" to Obama's marked-up PDF exists, a Hawaiian birth certificate is neither proof of a birth in Hawaii OR consequently proof of U.S. Citizenship!
This is a violation of federal law, and a national security crisis just as real as Obama's as yet unproven constitutional eligibility to be President of the United States of America.
Unfortunately, the Hawaiian Department of Health refuses cooperation as does the Aloha State's Attorney General.
The hospital where Obama claims he was born even refuses to cooperate, blocking Cold Case Posse access to PUBLIC records that could have laid this issue to rest. A handwritten log kept by the attending labor and delivery nurse should contain the entry for "Stanley Ann Dunham," Barack Obama's mother, should be there, and with permission from the hospital, anyone could access this log.
The response to Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett's request for verification from the Hawaiian Department of Health lacked even the substance required as proof by the Department of Health itself!
So far, the Posse has reported to Sheriff Joethat TWO crimes have been committed:
1) The fraud-riddled forgery created for and characterized by the White House, knowingly or unknowingly, as an official birth record of Barack Hussein Obama;
2) The fraudulent presentation of the White House forgery as "proof positive" of Barack Obama's authentic 1961 long form birth certificate to the residents of Maricopa County, where the investigation originated, and to the American public.
If Barack Obama can be PROVEN a non-natural born imposter, ALL of the Executive Orders he has signed while occupying office would be NULL AND VOID – along with every other law he signed and forced on America, like ObamaCare!
We must compel Sheriff Joe to FILE CRIMINAL CHARGES for the systemic, systematic conspiracy and cover up by Obama and his governing faction! Obama must not be given a pass on his bold fraud to occupy the Oval Office illicitly, and allowed to solidify his Marxist putsch over our Constitution!
Just as important, we must compel Congress to immediately support and pass Rep. King's H.R. 140 to close the anchor baby loopholes in our citizenship laws and again respect the wisdom of our Founders in seeking natural born representatives of the American people, whose bonds to these United States and our institutions of liberty are from birth and nurture, from nature and from custom – and not tied to alien interests.
The integrity of our country, our citizenship and our Constitution must be defended.

Keep Faith,
The Editors
Proof Positive –

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