Monday, January 7, 2013


Dear Conservatives,

Freedom-loving Americans averted disaster yesterday when Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid did not exercise the "nuclear option" to gut the filibuster by breaking the Senate's own rules.

But I'm afraid the battle to protect the filibuster -- which concerned citizens like you have relied on time and again to keep Big Labor from stealing even more destructive monopoly power -- isn't over yet.

You see, Harry Reid postponed the vote until January 22.

That gives Reid 18 days to twist arms and cut deals,  whatever it takes to get the votes he needs to weaken minority rights in the Senate.

That's why we must turn up the heat right away.

Please click here to sign your free action fax urging your U.S. Senators and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell to oppose Harry Reid's scheme or any so-called "compromise" that would gut the filibuster.

Let me remind you why this fight is so important.

Just two years ago, the Senate Filibuster was the tool that prevented the potential forced unionization of virtually every police officer, fire fighter, and EMT in the country.

Only the filibuster gave us the power to block the union bosses' "Card Check" bill, which would have eliminated the secret ballot in union organizing campaigns, when their allies controlled the House, the Senate, and the White House.

When a union-label Congress and White House were all set to pass Ted Kennedy's Pushbutton Strike Bill, it was the filibuster that let us block it.

In 1978, Big Labor's so-called "Labor Law Reform" power grab was fast-tracked by a union-label Congress, and Jimmy Carter was eager to sign them into law. Only the filibuster let us carry the day.

And all the way back to 1966, when they tried to wipe out all our state Right to Work Laws at one stroke by repealing Section 14b of the Taft-Hartley Act, it was the filibuster that enabled us to block their bill.

Without the filibuster, there would be no state Right to Work laws today, and Big Labor's power would be nearly absolute.

On January 22, Harry Reid will try to ram through his scheme to weaken or even eliminate the filibuster.

If he succeeds, all these issues are back on the table.

That's why it's vital you sign your free action fax authorization and urge your Senators and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell to vote against ANY changes to the filibuster.

This vote could be the most important vote your Senators cast in the next two years because it would pave the way for Police/Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining, Card Check, or worse.

We must turn up the pressure now before it is too late.

Please, submit your free action fax at once.


Mark Mix

P.S. In less than three weeks, Harry Reid plans to ram through his scheme to weaken the filibuster.

The National Right to Work Committee and its members have repeatedly used the Senate filibuster to keep Big Labor from stealing even more destructive monopoly power.

Click here to submit your free action fax urging your U.S. Senators and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell to oppose Reid's plan to gut the filibuster.

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