Sunday, January 13, 2013


Submitted by: Donald Hank

Unlimited immigration is one of the components of that perfect storm. Figure it out: The government has no money of its own left, ONLY borrowed money. Jobs are as scarce as ever. Yet the government wants to flood us with even MORE illegal aliens.
Wanna know what happens next?
You need only look to Greece and Spain for that answer. Back when jobs were abundant, they were some of the most immigrant friendly nations in the world. Now?
Both are essentially broke and coping with over 25% unemployment.
In Greece, immigrants are being mistreated. The increasingly popular fascist party Golden Dawn is demanding that ALL immigrants be deported.
If Americans were truly kind, instead of just soft headed, they would demand a moratorium on all immigration during this economic crisis. If would-be immigrants were smart, they would not touch the US with a ten foot Pole or Czech right now. They are going to be so hammered when the SHTF. (See link below)

Don Hank

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