Thursday, January 24, 2013


Submitted by: Lady Byrd


Bob Charles
Under the questionable direction of BH Obama, the USA has lost credibility,
accountability and respect world wide. America is, fast, becoming a third rate
insolvent nation with the Democratic parties out-of-control spending and the
continuation of the Obama’s inappropriate globe trotting lavish life style.
BH Obama’s insincere, meaningless words have been noted by citizens of the USA
and nations around the world. Obama’s loyal devotion and support of Muslim groups is
is being felt around the world. Tax payers dollars are being given to Muslims groups
world wide regardless of the objections of the US Citizens. The House of
Representatives, led by a neutered, coward John Boehner has become an irreverent eye
sore. How many of the setting members of the House of Representatives have read the
US Constitution and the Bill of Rights? How many members of the House of
Representatives know and understand their job description? If their job performance is an
answer to my question, I will say zero have read and understand the governing
documents of the USA. Therefore the GOP is an accomplice.
January 23, 2013, during Secretary of State Clinton’s testimony, The Democratic
members of the committee could not resist blaming the GOP controlled House of
Representatives for the lack of available funds to protect Americans and American
interests in foreign nations. They failed to zero into the massive cover-up presented by
Hillary Clinton who proved an amoral character equal to her infamous husband, slick
Willie., “I did not have sex with. . .” They failed to place blame upon the shoulders of
the Hitler clone Obama. They failed to elaborate upon the devious gun running schemes
of BH Obama. Rather it was a time to divert blame from the guilty Democrats and place
that blame upon the Republicans in the House of Representatives.
Harry Reid, the Democratic Senate leader, has failed to produce a budget since, April
29, 2009. Why didn’t the House of Representatives bring this sneaky modern Judas up
on charges? Why doesn’t BH Obama acknowledge that his senile protector, Harry Reid
is not performing his job description. Obama blames the GOP for failing to work with
him. BH Obama is unavailable and unwilling to work with the GOP. Obama intends
to destroy his opposition, the GOP. BH Obama repeatedly demonstrates his lack of
decency. The repulsive Democrats, of the Congress, are following their bell cow.
The Obama family live an opulent life style funded by the oppressed US tax payers.
The queen of gluttony cannot be called a First Lady judged upon her appearance and
demonstrated behavior. Lacking basic social skills she shamelessly displays herself in
public. The Queen of the carpetbaggers has taken vacation upon vacations to exotic and
inviting destinations at the tax payers expense. She feels entitled while her loud mouth
spouse blames hard working American citizens for being selfish and self-centered.
Accusing American Citizens: “You didn’t build that!” BH Obama lacks the basic
knowledge of the American Culture and love of country. The imposter in the Oval Office
is a free loading parasite. BH Obama is nothing more than a would be dictator of a un-
developed nation. A self-centered, self-serving maniac.
BH Obama plans to take his “case” to the American people, by-passing the Congress.
He plans, in campaign mode, to tour America. He will attack, he will pulverize the GOP
party, the US Constitution with it’s checks and balances and he will push his “lofty
agenda.” I urge all American citizens to attend his calculated meeting and meet this
demonic person and push back. Let Obama know we will not tolerate any more of his
intentional violations of our governing documents. We will not condone his criminal
American citizens are being taxed without the benefit of representation. The current
setting members of the US Government are without doubt the most anti-American,
non-functioning, unethical, self-serving collections of people to ever serve in the US
government. It is time that tax paying citizens of the USA take a close look at the sub-
standard performance of the Congress and remove the greedy. It is time to vet the
candidates eligibility to serve in the hallowed halls of justice. It is time to access future
candidates with a focused and critical eye.

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