Sunday, July 22, 2012


"Are Americans Blinded By Minutia?"
By Ron Ewart, President
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author on freedom and property rights issues.
We are helping to spread freedom and liberty around the globe.
© Copyright Sunday, July 22, 2012 - All Rights Reserved

"There are those that recognize danger and act.  There are those who 'see' it, but do nothing.  But unfortunately there are way too many of those, buried in their own minutia, who don't 'see' anything at all."     Ron Ewart

As we looked out across the open sea from our ocean front resort hotel room, we were struck by how large, how constant and how unyielding the sea really is.  One could say it has a life of its own and in fact it does.  Sure, we can sail on or under it and we can dump into it but in effect we can’t really change it that much because it is so massive that it is virtually self-healing over time.  We, as individuals are dwarfed by it and the sea cares not one whit whether man is free or a slave.

The environmentalists will certainly not agree with this assessment but then that is explained by the fact that environmentalists are eternally guilty of judging things from a false premise and from making determinations and decisions based on very short time periods, not too mention outrageously flawed science.  They do it on purpose to further their radical, almost cult-like agenda.  We have covered these issues and that agenda in previous articles and won’t devote any more time to them for this one.

In contrast to the vast expanse of the sea on earth, it pales in comparison to the almost incomprehensible heavens.  When you have a chance take the time to look up into the night sky.  Do it on a dark, moonless night, away from the city where the lights of the city can’t dim the sky’s brilliance.  That sense of awe you feel at its size, scope and grandeur should render your earthly problems and difficulties small and insignificant, but better than this, it will obscure your every-day minutia.  Think about it, while you are buried in your minutia, the daytime sky or the nighttime sky will not change because America lost its way …. or abdicated its freedom to an arrogant government ..... or it died.  The truth is, we are but a very young and successful species on the third planet from a common star, in a garden-variety galaxy among billions of similar galaxies, in a Universe, the dimensions of which are not yet fully known.   Even more than this, the Universe simply doesn’t care what happens on Earth, or if America loses its sovereignty and is merged into a global government ..... but we should, if we can ever get our heads out of the minutia!

The Earth will keep turning and orbiting the Sun, the Sun will keep shining and orbiting the black hole in the center of the Milk Way galaxy, the galaxies and stars will keep advancing across the expanse of virtually limitless space on their way to where we don’t know.  Here on Earth the trees will keep growing, the fish will keep swimming and the animals will keep reproducing even if America goes bankrupt, descends into chaos, or 310,000,000 people are wrapped in chains.

One of the great human failings is man’s propensity to continually focus on the minutia, that’s all the small things in life.  They, either by choice or by ignorance, refuse to educate themselves on the larger picture.  They continue to look down at a narrow horizon instead of looking up and acknowledging the reality of where they are in the grand scheme of things.

We, as a culture, have become so focused on the minutia we fail to see that America is so much greater than the sum of its parts.  We, as a people, in spite of our faults and differences, are bound by an idea, a philosophy, a way of life that is vastly different than any other form of government ever instituted by man on the face of planet earth ….. that is if we can keep it.  Thanks to the uncommon wisdom of our somewhat flawed Founding Fathers, who saw a future for America and all Americans that transcended the feudal, dictatorships, or so-called divine royalty of failed governments of the past, that idea, that philosophy, that way of life, over the last 236 years, has became ingrained in the DNA and the gene pool of all Americans.  We have known freedom and we shall know freedom again, in spite of those faults and differences and in spite of the fact that we have taken a turn away from our roots in liberty.

Already, millions of Americans have taken leave of the minutia and started focusing on the larger picture, a detailed and disturbing picture that America could die as a free, prosperous, generous and sovereign nation.  America is in trouble and it is way past time for the rescuers, patriots and today’s crop of Paul Revere's and Thomas Paine's to get into action.  Finally, after a century of being focused on trivia and minutia, it would appear they are. 

Freedom groups are popping up all over America.   More people are attending government meetings than ever before and registering their dissatisfaction and sometimes anger with government decisions, along with the insane and sometimes draconian laws and rules they pass.  These groups, individuals, or "Tea Partiers" are making a difference and government and those that support government are growing uneasy at the rise of this unruly crowd that are now daring to question the government’s actions and intentions.  These new found vanguards of freedom are called crazies, radicals, racists, miscreants and worse by those that fear them.

The militias of our founding are also emerging, as many fear that we may reach a point at which our only recourse against rising government tyranny will be the freedom granted to all Americans under the Second Amendment, as the last and final alternative to the redress of grievances.  This author does not believe we have reached this point yet, but then it is better to be prepared than to be caught with our pants down around our ankles when our freedoms and unalienable, God-given rights are finally breached by an arrogant, out-of-control government ….. if we let them.

There is a paradigm shift taking place in America that may be unprecedented in our history, except maybe at our violent separation from Great Britain.  That paradigm shift is the direct result of two things.  The first is the expanding power of government manifesting itself in the form of ever-increasing restrictions and regulations on the people and the second is the people finally acknowledging and reacting negatively to that expanding power, especially by the millions of Americans who have the freedom gene fully embedded in their DNA. 

In reality, America has faced greater trials than the one we now face and we have recovered.  In a positive response to our dilemma, the refreshing sounds of old quotes are now finding their way into our every day lives that were first uttered during the days of America’s great men and great challenges arising from the American Revolution, the Civil War, two world wars and beyond.  Quotes like:

“We hold these truths to be self evident that man was created with certain unalienable rights, among those being life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness!” Declaration of Independence

“Give me liberty, or give me death!”  Patrick Henry
"When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.  When the government fears the people, there is liberty"
Thomas Jefferson
"Four score and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal."  Abraham Lincoln from the Gettysburg Address 
“If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.  There may even be a worse case.  You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves."    Winston Churchill 
“Extreme taxation, excessive controls, oppressive government competition with business, frustrated minorities and forgotten Americans are not the products of free enterprise.  They are the residue of centralized bureaucracy, of government by a self-anointed elite."   Ronald Reagan

Open resistance to the "self-anointed elite's" growing restrictions and intrusions into our private lives are becoming commonplace.  Much of this resistance began to occur during the town hall meetings in August of 2009 when politicians got an earful of what the people thought of Obama Care, the so-called “Affordable Care Act”, which has been shown to be anything but affordable, much less caring.  Suddenly, some of the people have pulled their heads out of the sand of their daily minutia (IPODS, IPADS, IPHONES, BLACK BERRIES, GAME MACHINES, TV, etc.) and began to pay attention to what their “benevolent” government was doing, or going to do, TO them.  What they saw, they didn’t like.

To be sure there are millions of Americans who dearly love being cradled in the omnipotent arms of their “mother” government and they have been lulled into a sense of the security that a totally dependent fetus enjoys in the womb, bathed in warmth and fed with constant supply of needed sustenance from the life-sustaining umbilical, provided by the host "mother".  Unfortunately, these millions of government cradle-to-grave "fetuses" get to vote to keep their host "mother's" sustenance flowing through the umbilical.

However, in contrast, a true, free American finds pride in self-reliance, independence, hard work, personal achievement and individual responsibility.  He or she wants to be beholden to no man ….. or government.  He seeks freedom and peace, thrives on challenge and does not give into the bully.  He grows from adversity and expands his opportunities with education and experience.  He openly resists and questions an unreasonable and obtrusive government that he feels is without merit, conscience, or constitutional authority.  He shuns worthless minutia and wants to know the bigger picture so that he is prepared to protect our cherished way of life and loved ones.   He definitely wants to know if the "enemy" IS at the gates.

Well ladies and gentlemen, there is no doubt, the enemy IS at the gate, both foreign and domestic!   But the greatest danger is from our domestic enemies.  Should Americans bury themselves in trivia and minutia and take their minds and eyes off the real and dangerous world that threatens to enslave them, America has no chance to survive as a free nation.   However, “The Parallax Prophecies” predicts that there are sufficient Americans that we have described above and who have not lost their personal pride and their desire to be free, that will not let this happen.  The path that lies in front of us is fraught with danger, turmoil and uncertainty, but then so was the path for those who chose to challenge the empire of Great Britain and were forced to make the hard choices to defend their freedom and the sanctity of their finally realized unalienable rights.

America’s fearless charge into the future has always been beset by bumps in the road, seemingly un-resolvable challenges and mountains and rivers to cross, but true, self-reliant, independent and responsible Americans have never forsaken freedom for an easy path or accepted government security in place of liberty and we believe, in the end, they won’t this time.

We are not socialist Europe.  We are not Bolshevik Russia and we are not communist China.  We are Americans and for 236 years that stood for something and it still does.  People around the world are pulling for America to remain free because they know that if America fails, the world could be plunged into chaos.   As evidence of that off shore support for America, we received the following response from a couple in South Africa. 

"With a true patriot like you available to America in such critical times, your clarity of vision and practical way forward, gives hope to America and her People.  Gird your loins and fight for the True Freedom you once had.  Awaken again, your Pioneering Spirits.  The World needs you and our prayers are with you."

Do they know something we don't know?  Can they see something we can't see because our heads are buried in trivia and minutia?  We had better pull our heads out of that minutia or we will find ourselves buried up to our eyebrows in the quicksand of government tyranny and a ever-tightening noose around our necks, placed there by a "self-anointed elite" that are convinced they know what is good for all of us and have no compunction about shoving it down our throats.

Once again, the hard truth is, if we as Americans do not forsake the sweet, tantalizing, hypnotic aroma of self absorption (minutia) and join each other as Americans first in this fight to keep the Good Ship America afloat, she will break apart, implode, expel gases and gurgle in a death rattle on her way to eternity on the floor of the sea that is the final resting place for the bones of failed men, failed ships ..... and failed nations.

The solution to maintaining a free America could very well be contained in ORDCA!  It's coming soon!


Ron Ewart, President
P. O. Box 1031, Issaquah, WA  98027

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