Saturday, May 26, 2012


Obama has shown a disdain for freedom and the Constitution, and he has implemented a series of executive orders that bypass our system of rights in this country. Every move he makes seems to be toward a government-controlled, emergency police state.

Barack Obama is intent on putting EVERYTHING...every single industry...under the umbrella of the State. So, while the President and Democrats distract Americans with social issues, behind the scenes work is still going on as THE GOVERNMENT TRIES TO TAKE CONTROL OF THE INTERNET.

Conservative Action Alerts has been fighting for nearly two years to stop government efforts to take control of the Internet. Please be aware, THE FIGHT IS FAR FROM OVER, and we need your help.

The Lieberman-Collins cybersecurity bill in the Senate (S. 2105) is emerging as a serious threat to privacy. They are set to vote any minute on this legislation, and it's even worse than CISPA, which we are aggressively fighting against...What will be next?

We must unite against CISPA, S.2105 and any other Internet takeover legislation. Send your Personalized Fax to Congress right now and tell them to keep their hands off the Internet!

S.2105 and CISPA (H.R. 3523), the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act of 2011, will allow government and companies what the Electronic Freedom Foundation (EFF) is calling "free rein to bypass existing laws in order to monitor communications, filter content, or potentially even shut down access to online services for cybersecurity purposes." It passed the House and Harry Reid is pushing it through the Senate, quickly.

This Internet legislation will create a police-state in which the government has total control over the Internet and the data of its citizens - just like China, Iran and Syria. If the United States of America passes any of these bills, we will be practicing the same type of censorship as these countries.

Our country very obviously must have measures in place to prevent a cybersecurity attack - or at least, to be able to recover from one quickly and efficiently. However, taking away the freedoms guaranteed to us under our Constitution is not the answer.

PRIVATE COMPANIES should be in control of their Internet systems, NOT the federal government!

Everything you do online ... reading political blogs, checking your bank statements, purchasing products, signing up for the latest coupon offer ... everything will be captured by your service provider and given to the U.S. government. They can then use this information however they want; and they can shut down any website they want to, without judicial review.

We must continue the fight, no matter how tired we are of these constant battles for our freedom. If our forefathers had put away their muskets and gone home, we would still be living under a monarchy today. We wouldn't be enjoying the God-given, hard-fought freedoms our Founding Fathers put in place after we shook off the shackles of the king.

This fight takes no weapon, except resolve. You can quickly and easily send a Personalized Fax to Congress and tell them to preserve your privacy and protect your freedoms guaranteed under the Constitution.

If the government passes Internet regulation, they can monitor ANY WEBSITE THEY CHOOSE and collect data about its visitors. They don't have to have a reason; they are the government, and they can make one up.

That means they can watch everything you do online, and they can gather that information in order to ultimately charge you with hate speech ... flag you as a terrorist ... or shut down the websites you visit by claiming they are cybersecurity threats.

They tried this with SOPA and PIPA under the claim of copyright infringement, but the truth came out about the bills and they were shelved.

Reid is aggressively pushing this bill AND HE WANTS TO VOTE ANY DAY NOW - AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. We don't know much about it, because it was crafted in secret, behind closed doors (sound familiar? Remember Obamacare?)

We must unite against CISPA, S.2105 and any other Internet takeover legislation. Send your Personalized Fax to Congress right now and tell them to keep their hands off the Internet!

Obama wants to know everything about his kingdom - so he is busy putting surveillance and control measures in place:

  • GPS tracking: Police have the ability to tap into your cell phone, smart phone, laptop and navigation device to track your every move, and they can do this without obtaining a warrant. Last year, the Justice Department argued that warrantless tracking is permitted because Americans enjoy no "reasonable expectation of privacy" in their-- or at least their cell phones' -- whereabouts.
  • Transportation and Security Administration (TSA): Agents at airports across the country have harassed, groped and terrorized innocent Americans - including small children and the elderly - as they attempt to board airplanes. It is not uncommon to hear passengers complain of strip searches and humiliation, all without due cause. Recently, the TSA removed an 18-month old child from a plane, because they claimed he was on the "no-fly" list!
  • Social Media Spies: The Department of Homeland Security makes fake Twitter and Facebook profiles for the specific purpose of scanning these sites for "watch list" words. If you are tagged by DHS, they read your posts and dig into your account to find out who you are.
  • Court Decisions: The Supreme Court ruled on Kentucky v. King that law enforcement have the authority to stage a search and seizure of Americans' property without obtaining a warrant from a judge. And the Indiana State Supreme Court ruled in Barnes v. State of Indiana that police can enter a resident's private property at any time - without a warrant, without suspicion, without reason - and without knocking and announcing their presence!

And, now they are coming for the Internet too!

If the federal government invading your privacy worries you, send a PERSONALIZED FAX right now to every Member of Congress and demand they stop this President from destroying our First and Fourth Amendment rights! We cannot continue to allow the government to rob us of our freedom and right to privacy.

This is the FUNDAMENTAL TRANSFORMATION Obama promised when he ran for President four years ago.

Be aware:

  • No one has defined what, exactly, a cybersecurity threat is. These bills broadly authorize private companies to monitor your data and determine whether or not you are a threat. Did you download something you shouldn't have? Share an email address or password? Visit a site someone didn't want you to? If the government determined so, you could be labeled a threat.
  • All of your personal activity online is up for grabs. None of these bills outlines the exact information that will be collected, or for what reason. Who will determine what information is deemed a "cyber threat?" And once that information is collected, who will determine what agencies and organizations have access to it?
  • There is no limit on the information that can be shared with government agencies. And because that info is shared "notwithstanding any law," privacy laws do not apply. That means laws like the Wiretap Act and the Electronic Communications Privacy Act will be obsolete. You will be without recourse.
  • Cybersecurity control will shift from private companies to government agencies like the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
  • Once the information is captured by the government, it can be used for any purpose and given to whatever other agency or organization the government chooses.

The very technology you are using right now to read information on these issues is under threat. We cannot tell you how Obama and the Democrats want to change the way the Internet works, because they have done things in secret and we don't have a full view of their plans. The things we DO know, however, are alarming; and we fear if Harry Reid pushes through CISPA and S.2105, the freedom of every American citizen who uses the Internet will be gone.

But think about it: Even those who do NOT use the Internet will suffer, because any time the government passes one bill like this, many others follow. Maybe they will come for newspapers next ... or television ... or radio ... or free speech altogether.

It is a chilling thought, but you need to be prepared. A handful of Internet bills will not be their end-game.

It is only the beginning.

Remember, we are always in a state of emergency according to Obama and that is why we must take drastic actions that destroy our freedom. Unfortunately, while Obama focuses on conservative voices, made-up racial matters, healthcare legislation, global warming regulations and Internet control, he is ignoring the REAL EMERGENCIES of high gas prices and high unemployment rates.

The REAL EMERGENCY is that the United States of America is seeing its democracy destroyed under Barack Obama. That is why we must take action now and put a halt to this Constitutional destruction!

Conservative Action Alerts

P.S. Send your Faxes now and save our First and Fourth Amendment rights! The House and Senate Internet bills are bad because privacy laws do not apply; the government will monitor more of your private communications; agencies who spy on your data can do whatever they want with it; and government organizations like the NSA and DHS will be in charge of the Internet and all its functions.

You can also CLICK HERE to send a FREE message directly to YOUR U.S. Representative and Senators!

Conservative Action Alerts (CAA) is a media outlet protected by the first amendment and that support for our efforts is not tax-deductible. Diener Consultants, Inc., 17388 Nature Walk Trail, Suite No. 301, Parker, CO 80134

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