Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Is the Pledge of Allegiance ‘Divisive?’ Ask the Eugene Oregon City Council and Mayor.

How could something that includes the words ‘pledge of allegiance to the flag of the UNITED States’ be considered divisive? Believe it or not, the mayor and city council of Eugene, Oregon just voted on this very issue.  (It should also be noted that the city of Eugene, Oregon is a member of ICLEI, part of the UN’s Agenda 21 Program.)

Long before NBC Sports edited the Pledge of Allegiance, the city of Eugene, Oregon was busy debating if their City Council should recite it before each bi-monthly meeting. At the June 7th meeting of the council, a proposal was floated by Councilor Mike Clark, suggesting that every bi-monthly meeting start with a recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance. The Columbian reports that Mayor Kitty Piercy (a lead sponsor of Code Pink’s latest Anti-War Resolution) and others did not agree with this idea, suggesting that reciting the pledge might be “divisive.”

Read More here from The Blaze

Jodie Evans, Founder of Code Pink writes this about Mayor Kitty Piercy:

It Takes a Woman to Lead the Way to Peace: Mayor Kitty Piercy Leading the Way to Bring Our War Dollars Home

Posted: 05/27/11 02:05 PM ET

On May 18, Eugene Mayor Kitty Piercy submitted the War Dollars Home Resolution to the US Conference of Mayors. The resolution highlights the fact that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are projected to cost $126 billion this year, and calls on Congress to end these deadly wars and bring our war dollars home to meet vital human needs, promote job creation, rebuild our infrastructure, aid municipal and state governments, and develop a new economy based upon renewable, sustainable energy.
Mayors from cities with populations of 30,000 or more use the US Conference of Mayors to ensure federal policy meets urban needs. The Conference determines its advocacy priorities by debating and passing resolutions at an annual meeting; thanks to Kitty Piercy -- named the 2010 Most Valuable Local Official by The Nation -- peace will be on the table this year.

The rest of this can be read at HuffPo

The War Dollars Home Resolution:

Text Mayors' Resolution


WHEREAS, every member of the US Conference of Mayors and the Americans they represent, support our brave men and women in uniform and their families;

WHEREAS, the drawdown of troops should be done in a measured way that does not destabilize the region and that can accelerate the transfer of responsibility to regional authorities;
WHEREAS, the severity of the ongoing economic crisis has created budget shortfalls at all levels of government and requires us to re-examine our national spending priorities; and
WHEREAS, the people of the United States are collectively paying approximately $126 billion dollars per year to wage war in Iraq and Afghanistan; and
WHEREAS, 6,024 members of the US armed forces have died in these wars; and at least 120,000 civilians have been killed in Iraq and Afghanistan since the coalition attacks began.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the United States Conference of Mayors supports efforts to speed up the ending of these wars; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the United States Conference of Mayors calls on the President and U.S. Congress to end the wars as soon as strategically possible and bring these war dollars home to meet vital human needs, promote job creation, rebuild our infrastructure, aid municipal and state governments, and develop a new economy based upon renewable, sustainable energy and reduce the federal debt.

Is YOUR Local Mayor a part of the

Members (click this link, type in your Mayors name, state, etc then submit)

To Contact The Mayor of Eugene and the City Council, Click Here

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