Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Submitted by: Tony Caputo
Watch for Obama to “Steal” the 2012 Election

Obama, Holder, and their entire illicit crews should all be in prison.  They are all criminals.  Obama will receive at least $1 billion and possibly up to $2 billion from George Soros, foreign communist countries, and other criminal organizations to “buy” the election. 

There definitely will be voter fraud going on throughout the 50 states but definitely to the greatest degree in “battleground states.”  Watch for ballot box stuffing, phony votes, “fixing” of voting machines, voting illegal aliens, voter intimidation, and union thuggery going on before and on November 6, 2012.

We must keep a jaundiced eye on ACORN, The New Black Panthers, SEIU, and other such criminal organizations to implement Obama’s plan again to “steal” this election.

 These criminals do not believe in freedom, liberty, and the American way of life.  Harry Reid allegedly stole the 2010 senate election through voter fraud.  Expect the worst in the 2012 election because it will happen.  Remember, we are dealing with criminals bereft of any honesty or integrity.  Vigilance!


  1. This tripe must have come to your inbox straight from the Twilight Zone. It's just that stupid. Comeon.....use a little common sense.

  2. Quakers, Your derisive comment actually says a lot about this nations's troubles. I have personally witnessed massive fraud and not one official would do anything. If you saw Mexican children under the age or 15 sign forms and the get into a bus and be driven to polling stations as they were instructed, "We do not care if you vote for anyone else just place and x on the Obama box," would you get concerned? If you saw busses filled by Union members draw up to the polling station and heard, "Remember, Reid...Make sure you vote Reid...' would that concern you? Voter fraud is rife and to doubt it is to purposely remain dumb! Pastor Lee

  3. @Lee S. Gliddon Jr.: Have you filed civil suit, or taken it to your local DA yet? Because, otherwise, I think you're just making it up.

  4. Anon...Think what you want be voter fraud is rampart...The DA is not the avenue as there is a Voter Registrara fot this and I have filed a complaint...Get your cranial computer out of its rectal storage facility...Rejoin thinkers and abandon deniers!
