Deliasue submits:

Do NOT TOUCH anything stuffed into your car door handle or anywhere else for that matter.Fentanyl laced object is dangerous.Call Police and stay near people in case the perpetrators are close by.
Thanks to our "open borders" now, this is good advice!



What can be done about Mexican drug cartels?
Posted by Bob Unruh
Mexican drug cartels cause catastrophic destruction in America, costing hundreds of thousands of lives each year.

Now attorneys general from numerous states are demanding the Biden administration take a new position on the issue. ... Read more…




Special Counsel John Durham is THIS CLOSE to releasing his groundbreaking final report... so the Liberal Media and Radical Democrats are springing into action to undermine his entire investigation. . 

FIRST: The New York Times published a political hatchet job to attack John Durham’s credibility.


Clarion Project

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The Extremism Roundup

Promoting Civil Discourse and Marginalizing the Extremes
A weekly compilation of the most important developments in the struggle against radical ideologies



Republicans Move To Guarantee Social Security And Medicare Benefits

imageHouse Republicans have introduced legislation to guarantee Social Security and Medicare benefit payments will continue even if the U.S. debt limit is reached, and to state that Social Security should be preserved for generations to come.