Submitted by: Robert Bowen

Confirmed: Liz Cheney’s J6 Committee Is Now Holding Onto Evidence that FBI Was Running Operatives During the Jan. 6 Protests — WILL THEY LIE ABOUT THIS TOO?

Jeremy refused to be an FBI informant so they stormed his home and arrested him on bogus misdemeanor charges months after the Jan. 6 protests.

Jeremy Brown did nothing wrong.

His only “crime” was refusing to work as an informant for the FBI!

[Read the rest of this shocking report at link above. It's not long, but what an exposé of this stalinist cabal currently in power!]


Marco Rubio - U.S. Senator for Florida E-Newsletter

This Week in the Office of Senator Marco Rubio

 RenewedRight Alerts

Joe Biden got blindsided by one revelation that will change everything

Joe Biden’s collapsing Presidency is on the ropes.

He’s on the verge of facing his biggest problem yet.

And Joe Biden got blindsided by one revelation that will change everything.

Click here to read the full story >>


The Patriot Papers

Required News For Patriots… 

DeSantis Signs New Law Establishing an Election Police ForceOnce again, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is leading the way, and it is the way the rest of the nation should be going. Governor DeSantis signed a new bill this week that will bring massive voting changes through a new, dedicated election police force. This will enable his administration to have investigations with teeth to fight election crimes. Florida is now one of the first states in the country to have a law enforcement unit dedicated to election fraud. This has become a significant issue to many voters since former President Donald Trump’s loss in ...Read More