Sign Protest Against "Satan Club" for 5-Year-Olds

Dear Conservatives,

Why is this so urgent?

Because an "After School Satan Club" for children as young as 5 – sponsored by the Satanic Temple – just opened at Jane Addams Elementary School in Moline, Illinois.

> Click here to protest now!

Your protest petition will go to Dr. Rachel Savage, superintendent of the Moline-Coal Valley School District, as well as to Teresa Landon, principle of Jane Addams Elementary.

When God is no longer welcome, this is what happens…

In fact, the Satanic Temple wants to open After School Satan Clubs at more elementary schools, claiming the program is “religious.”

However, these clubs expose very young and impressionable children to the greatest possible spiritual danger -- the destructive influence of Hell.

This is what the Satanic Club proposes to teach children -- ages 5 to 12:

  • Deny the existence of God
  • Reject the idea of eternal punishment for evil or reward for good
  • Foster apathy with sin and Hell
  • Replace Christian charity with atheistic "kindness"
  • Oppose Christian clubs in public schools

As you can see, they're targeting our youth.  Big time.  Because they want to completely rip God out of our culture.  

But we cannot allow our school children to be exposed to this danger without a proper and effective response.  Don't you agree?

So please push back today.

> Click here to sign the petition to kick satan out.

We need to emphasize God in schools, not satanism.

Thank you for signing your peaceful protest and for fighting the good fight.



President Trump and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell have failed to get along or see eye to eye for quite some time...


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 Required News For Patriots… 

Biden Admin Response to Michigan School Shooting has Conservatives Concerned: In light of last year’s school shooting in Michigan, the Biden administration reports a new rule for firearms stating they must be in secured storage devices. A new rule was issued on Monday that requires all federally licensed gun retailers to certify that they have gun storage containers available that are specifically compatible with guns being sold to

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Washington State Isolation/Quarantine Jobs on Indeed

 Submitted by: Jackie Juntti

WOW -  the explosion of responses to the WAC and RCW  Detention camps post has gotten me to thinking that perhaps I need to re-establish the message board as there have been a ton of comments and information that overwhelms the email pattern.  Let me know if you would like me to re-establish the WGEN messagboard.  If enough of you would use it I will put one up.

Jackie Juntti




Here are a few of the new e-mails this morning:


 Biden pleads with social media giants to censor and oppress us more


Additional stories for you:

Emails show scientists long suspected the Wuhan lab leak theory but feared discussing it because it would disrupt “international harmony” and hurt the name of science


Totalitarian Australia is going to deport Novak Djokovic for being a dirty and defiant pureblood

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In Dem run Philadelphia, Police release a “Guide to surviving a car jacking” 


Vax profiteer Bill Gates predicts and salivates at the thought of yearly boosters 


Cancel Culture is coming for the Vikings (The team, not the actual Vikings) 

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--------Sponsored post for men only---------

In stock maybe only for days -- men’s favorite smell tool

Gone for months, and selling out every time...they are in stock today for the first time since August


This is a message from my good friend and an important contributor to this newsletter, independent entrepreneur Wes Armstrong, part of Ideal Male Labs, for men who want to be the most wanted everywhere they go...


Hey, Wes here and I know it’s been a while since you’ve heard from me... but I’m thrilled to be able to share this incredible smell tool again...

Sadly, we’ve been out of stock since August.

This is VERY expensive and difficult to make...

...we’ve had a really tough time because every time we get it in stock, it sells out! We can’t get enough made to satisfy demand.

And men keep asking me when they could order more -- because this smell tool gives you such a boost of confidence and sex appeal as a man...

And it’s perfect to take with you on the go, whenever you may find yourself facing an opportunity to get it on…

So to all those men who emailed me, asking about this smell tool -- thank you for your patience!  They’re here at last.

We’ve just received a brand new shipment of this unique smell tool, and I know you can’t wait to get your hands on them...

Remember -- you only need a little bit. A little goes a long way!

And you might want to stock up on this smell tool now in case we run out again.

I hope that doesn’t happen, but sometimes it’s out of my control. Right now, we only have 3,000 bottles…

And while that may seem like a lot, they go fast, and I’d hate for you to miss out.

Discover this unique smell tool and what it can do for your confidence and sex appael as a man -- don’t wait!


--Wes Armstrong

(Wes Armstrong is a pen name)

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--Ashleigh Dunn


 I never dreamed that I would have to face the prospect of not living in the United States of America, at least not the one I have known all my life. I have never wished to live anywhere else. This is my home and I was privileged to be born here. But today I woke up and as I had my morning coffee, I realized that everything is changing for the worse. 



This week, SCOTUS set a dangerous precedent allowing Americans to make their own medical decisions. Oh, the humanity!

Also, Pfizer released a new Bane vaccine suit, the FBI promised more realistic hoaxes this year, Ken Ham's Ark Encounter added a baptismal log flume ride, and hobbits were forced to start wearing shoes: it's THE BABYLON BEE WEEK IN REVIEW!



2022 has not gotten off to a perfect start for Joe Biden. To begin with, he went into this new year with a 33% approval rating. It is a historic low for Biden and the fact that it comes after less than one full year of his term speaks to his failure.