Wednesday, October 13, 2021



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 Submitted by: P McMillan

Brace Yourselves - The Epilogue

Buckle Up! Now comes the pain


Time’s Up! This is your final wake-up-call! As we contemplate our current dire circumstances, a well-known religious phrase comes to mind:  “The truth will set you free” which could not be more pertinent in this exact moment in time.

Today is your time to wake-up and accept the truth that your own government(s) is (are) conspiring to poison you (us) with a series of deadly-clot-producing-spike-protein-nanoparticles, still being called vaccinations, but now better known as - The Jab! 

And then, once you have picked yourself up by the bootstraps and began your journey across-that-bridge-of-freedom, you will find that there is power in the numbers of our shared knowledge and we will use that power to get to the other side—together!

 Please know that there is an organized process taking place which will soon culminate in systemic breakdowns in many of our societal norms.

The extensive list of ongoing failures include, but are not limited to; cargo shipping (reportedly there is an imminent supply chain collapse), trucking (for lack of supplies, but equally for lack of available parts), train rails, food production (with “just in time delivery” a thing of the past), healthcare services (where many non-vax’d workers are leaving), oil and gas deliveries, law enforcement, banking, along with our over-leveraged financial system, which is on the cusp of an unavoidable collapse.
If you are already vax’d and will walk alone on a country road or drive solo in your car wearing your obedient mask, it may-well-be-too-late, where soon you will be counted among the insouciant Americans who have been complicit in their own demise.

However, given that most of you fell victim to a cunningly nefarious psych-ops, aided and abetted by a dishonest legacy media, your resolve was weakened by misinformation and with little to no pushback from any sector, which has already lead many to their untimely deaths - not by the Covid virus, mind you, but by the erroneous labeled variants, which are actually the deadly spiked protein contained in The Jab.

But, there is always the chance that the rapid pace of the cascading breakdowns will become the catalyst for awakening possibly 25-30% of the people to the unadulterated evil that has been hidden from them for far too long.

Others will see the light of truth and join us.
And, at this late stage in these, the final battles, many Christian believers, realizing the dire crisis ahead, will pray for His Divine Intervention.

And, although, one could easily equate the events unfolding in front of us as a spiritual battle between good and evil forces, it was Joseph Conrad who reminded us that, “The belief in the supernatural source of evil is not necessary, men [and women] alone are quite capable of every wickedness.”
We need only to look back to our history and the logical conclusions our government made in the past.

In 1976 the Swine Flu vaccine initially killed but three (3) people, and the local government(s) in nine (9) states, immediately discontinued to administer the vaccine. A short time later, twenty-five (25) people died and the Federal government said - ENOUGH! And, shut down the vaccine distribution for the entire country. (NY Times, Oct.13, 1976)


Why then and, not now?!

Today, there is a full-scale-government-sanctioned-depopulation-agenda in force, which could simply be ensuring the devious beliefs of the Georgia Guidestones, where one of the numerous features on their ungodly monument is the message calling for a New World Order.

The multi-linguistic tablets explain how depopulation will be accomplished by an occult-like secret-society, such as the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Klaus Schwab, with his devious plans for The Great Reset. The stated goal is to maintain a world populations under 500 million people.

And, if there is any legitimacy to their heinous Guidestones, of the 7.9 billion souls on earth today, 7.4 billion of us must die!

Then there are the sociopathic global elite, who get older by the day whilst time is running out for their individualist eugenics version for the New World Order. Their life-long goals must not be achieved by others and they doggedly believe that they must be completed while they are still alive.


A truncated list might include:

  • David Rockefeller, who died in 2017, but still referred to the good people of the world, as “human weeds.”


  • Baron Rothschild at 85, who believes that dominance lies in the control of the world’s currencies, i.e. the Federal Reserve.


  • Klaus Schwab, 83, has spent his entire life pursuing the concept that the people must give up their earthly possessions in favor of the rulers’ largesse, i.e. The Great Reset.


  • George Soros, now 90, believes that dominance is best achieved through chaos and destruction. It would appear that George may well get his way, sooner than later…

What they and others such as Bill Gates represent is a global cabal of the most politically and economically powerful people in the world, with an overall heinous agenda, but each with its own individual mini-agendas, fighting to lead the charge, and because they are all sociopaths, each wants to be THE ONE…!
The one major realization many will need to internalize is that we are at war, a war against the evil medical mandates of our own government, funded by the global elite, and to fully appreciate this, it is necessary for you to believe that the same cabal of evildoers who created the Wuhan coronavirus (see Event 201), are also suspected of being the ones who produced the spike-protein-ladened-Covid vaccines in order to implement their diabolical Great Reset.
The Presidential election of Donald J. Trump knocked the timing for the cabal off their stated goal, at least temporarily, where today with their dementia-ridden-puppet at the helm, the Deep State is now in a mad rush to make up for lost time; but to the advantage of We The People, they are failing, miserably.
The Deep State no longer dominates the news cycle because less and less of us are no longer watching their fact-less news.

  • The Deep State is failing on the election results, with more and more people coming to realize that Jobama cheated, and that they were assisted by the CCP raising the level of treason.
  • The Deep State is failing on the economy with run-away-inflation aided by the aforementioned supply chain collapse. But, regardless, know that an easy time is not in our near future, where we must be diligent to a major false-flag-event to distract, and divert our attention and blame for the coming breakdown

My final suggestion, which I will revisit from my article of a similar title posted here at CFP on May 22, 2018, is that the truth for freedom fighters is at hand and cautiously ask that you pray. Jesus is real. Pray to Him.

And, prepare to brace yourselves, along with the now opened-minds of your newly-freed-friends and family, for a potentially shocking impact. Buckle Up! Now comes the pain.




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 Submitted by: Joseph Grisafi Jr




October 13, 2021 Edition:

  • The Kevin Jackson Network is kicking BUTT because of YOU!
  • Help us continue to grow!



McAuliffe Quote
Can you believe what you just read, Fellow Conservative!?


 Submitted by: Merlin

Where I live in NC,  nearly all crimes are committed by blacks and Latinos. 
What follows is the recent local arrest "blotter" and you will note that each person's
name comes with a 3 letter "description."  For example, "B/M/22" signifies "black make 22 yo"  Likewise, "W/F/33" represents "White female 33 yo"
As you look at this list below - the full list is at:   Wake County Sheriff's Office P2C ( -



Democrat Senator Chuck “You” Schumer (NY) is a camera-hogging goof. And Republican Senator Mitch “The Turtle” McConnell is a grafting...


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 Submitted by : Buzz

Abortion Is a 'Morally Good Decision,' Minister Says in Controversial USA Today Column
Michael Foust

A Presbyterian minister is receiving pushback from the pro-life community after she argued in a USA Today column that abortion "can be a morally good decision."